    Evolution? Science or Religion? Is evolution is a religion?

    It doesn't take much effort to demonstrate that evolution is a religion and not science. The following answers will be logically explained, being that evolution is not fact nor proven.

    Like Atheists say, "you can't prove God exists." The evidence and the definition of science, will prove that that evolution is a religion. Please don't be offended it is simply a logical summary based on the true definition of science.

    You can't prove evolution either, all we can do is believe in one the other or go the Agnostic route and say that we just don't know.

    Does evolution equal secular humanism? Sciences opinion of science may not be the same as yours.? !

    +8  Views: 4121 Answers: 32 Posted: 13 years ago
    Headless Man

    I'm with you on this, I was waiting to hear the Atheists response on this.


    t.u leeroy, you seem to be one of the few asking legit questions. I've almost given up

    Thank you Ash, I just noticed your comment, there haven't been to many serious questions on here lately, I don't know why it has changed so much from the old format?

    The new questions just mainly seem to be something people are to lazy to do a search on, or you can't make heads or tails out of some of them...
    Kaylene Reece

    I do not believe one disproves the other. God says one day is like a 1000 in heaven and of course we don't know how that time is being measured. What if they are both true?

    32 Answers (31-32 Displayed)

    I like to ask the people what can be learned form a fossil deposit. I ask them whether all the animals and plants contained in the deposits lived together, died together, or were buried together. I then say make sure that the answer you give me is consistent with true scientific research. As they think about it, they come to realize that they they do not know if the organisms lived together,or died together, because they didn't see it happen. All they really know is that they were buried together because they were found together. Therefore, if you try reconstructing the environment in which the organisms lived just from what you find there, you could be making a terrible mistake. The correct use of science needs to be emphasized in our educational system


    The scientific fossil record shows that in the lower layers life did not exist at all, then suddenenly it sprang into existance in profusion of different forms of species each procreating after its kind, exactly as described in Genesis

    Evolution is basically a religious philosophy. Creation Ministries explains to people that both creation and evolution are religious views of life upon which people build their particular models of philosophy, science or history. The issue therefore is not science versus religion but religion versus religion (the science of one religion verses the science of another religion.)

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