    Would you vote for Trump ? He may be running for President of the U.S.....

    The things that I like about Donald is that he talks straight forward, and He's not afraid to ask tough questions. Also, I think we need a president with business experience.

    The thing I don't like are his comb over hair cut and he's kind of cocky.

    Would you vote for Donald Trump as President? If so, why? If not, why not???

    +8  Views: 5135 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago

    31 Answers (31-31 Displayed)

    Maybe its time to put a businessman at the head of the class, apparently all the lawyers we been putting there have no idea how to run a business and the government running is definitely a business. I don't care about his comb-over, i don't like Obama's big ears.. Or GWB's obvious speech impediment. We need someone that can run a government and is willing to work with congress. (pun intended)

    Someone that cares about the country and its status with its growth, in business sometimes the less productive must hit the road, incentives are given to the employees to do a better job, make changes to the people, not the business. If someone gets 'fired' then there must be a reason for it, fighting to hold unnecessary jobs that have been evaluated time and time again as a drain must go, depending on the government to escort you through life is not what makes growth. Donald trump is such a person that I think can do that, but I will reserve my voting opinion until i learn more about him. Too soon to tell but on the outside, he's different and that's what we need. Not so PC either..


    Thanks Vinny, most people don't understand that the politicians in Washington have had plenty of opportunities to invoke change, many of us voted for change, we gave them plenty of time to achieve it.

    Now it's time to take a stand and get off the couch and get involved, whether it's emailing your Senator or Congressman, or going out to get involved in the political arena. We need good people in Washington, ones that are willing to take action.

    Don't worry he won't get in. It's just a publicity stunt. Why I don't know. It's not like he needs the money. However I do know that he can't be president because I don't believe he is related to the royal family. Do your research and you'll see that with the exception of just a couple of presidents they've all been related to the English royal family. So unless Trump is related he won't make it.

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