    How about we all give Jenn some encouragement? She's been a little down lately, so hey lets show her some support. How about it???

    How about it people, Jenn is a really sweet caring person from what I know by her answers. How about we all give her some encouragement to lift her spirit?

    p.s. If anyone see's her on the site later could you answer or comment on this question, that way she see's it while she's online? Thank you all........

    +8  Views: 1613 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    LEEROY..... Awww I blush!!!!! Thank you so much for thinking of me.


    Thanks angie and everyone Hope this really cheers her up!


    I'm very happy to see you are doing better, I don't like to see my friends down. Thanks for the nice compliments. T.u. to you Jenn.

    13 Answers

    LOL!!!! You are all AWESOME!!! Almost made me cry... I did not realize I was sounding down... But I have been dealing with alot... So I really needed the encouragement. You are all my buddies... and I am proud of it. LOTS OF LOVE!!!!!!!!

    Sending good thoughts to you Jenn. Hope things get better soon. ? ???? flowers and sunshine to help lift your spirits :)


    Thanks Colleen!!! t.u. to you.

    Hey Jenn, Sorry that your feeling down my Georgia peach.:) If we can help in any way...let us know. You've helped out so many with your sound's time for us to take care of "one of our own". We are family and are with you. Love ya, Coach


    Thanks Coach, appreciate it! Thumbs up to you.

    Remember think about the good things in life and when the negative thoughts come rolling in, just change the channel and think of what you are blessed with.

    Look forward to the new and better friendship that will be coming your way and be more careful of who you choose to get close to.

    We all think you are a positive and encouraging Person and you have earned my respect and many others. So I just wanted to say you are well liked here, stay positive Jenn. Best wishes & may God bless you and yours, leeroy.

    Sorry to here your feeling down Jenn. Hope you feel better soon.

    Is everything ok Jenn? If not , then I'm sorry and I hope everything turns out alright for you. We all have our down periods. I know I certainly have mine.


    I didnt know I was sad... LOL.. .But Leeroy is absolutle right I have had alot going on and most of it could be pretty depressing. But Honestly I dont have the time or energy to put into being down. Life is awesome... and I will just keep a smile on my face and my head held high.


    Just wanted to thanks all of you, I'm sure Jenn will be cheered up by your support. Thank you again!!! t.u. Ms Sinclair

    Don't know why your down Jenn but I hope tomorrow brings a brighter day. <3



    Hey Jenn...whatever it is that is bothering you I sincerely hope you are feeling better real, real soon. Please consider all of us as being your extended family...we care...we may be sarcastic and miserable at times with our comments...but we mean no to vent occasionally. But I know that the "regulars" on this site care about each other. You need to "talk"? Shoot us a message! Love from the Ole Hipster XXXOOO


    I have sarcasim and caffine running through my viens.

    your on my prayer list with colleen



    dwayne, you're on my "you're an ignorant moron" list : ) Why do you feel the need to keep trying to step on my personal beliefs? The fact that Jesus will just absolve you of your sins? This is why your religion fails. It creates religious whackos.

    *Sorry about this Jenn. dwayne has made himself my personal stalker trying to prove he can do what he wants.



    Nice way to put a negative spin on your message to Jenn by taking a jab at me while doing it, loser.



    I do not believe in prayer and it's my right to not believe. That does not mean prayer isn't good for others. I hope you get all the prayers you need! He can practice with those who believe in prayer. He just likes to step all over my personal beliefs and force his on me. That shows little compassion and no respect for others on his part.

    Aside from all that, I hope this thread helps to lighten your spirits, I truly do.



    (((hugs)))) to you Jenn. You're one of those gems in life. I bet your kindness and gentleness touches many more lives than you can imagine. : )


    Hey I need the prayers and he may need the practice.


    It did... you be who you are... I'll take you and your sweet heart just as you are.

    Hey Jenn I hope you feel better.And let the sunshine in and brighten your day.Love papa peg

    Jenn, I know you miss your dad, and it's going to be hard on your mom. How is she doing ? I will pray that you and your family will find some comfort by the Holy Spirit

    Jenn I love you dearly sides you are the only one that invited me to dinner the night I asked would anyone LOL Just remember Jenn this too shall pass......

    hi jenn we are all paying for you get a ood night,s sleep and you will feel better in the morning GOD BLESS You Bill.

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