    What should Obama be doing on his campain trail??

    +2  Views: 1309 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    start looking for a real job that he is cable of doing,like mcdonalds,greeter at walmart,and a new place to live ,like alaska or pakastan...kenya..back to his roots...

    Apologizing and planning his retirement.

    start chanting...." we can't feed the poor, but we can fund the war"


    Yes, we should. If you were poor than you'll realize what it is to be poor. Or,....You prefer to buy companies close them and move them overseas and leave thousands of families out of work. Well, this is exactly what mitt Romney did. He has the audacity to talk about unemployment, he left people without a job and hardly pay taxes.He admitted that he paid 13%...Oh excuse me but I don't, so he pays by far less than I do- If you are a student kiss goodbye all loans, there will be hardly any. University will be for the rich...and the funnies thing most Republican friend of mine used Obama loans to study- Hypocrites! So please think about it and do the right thing, give Obama the chance to finish his job. I truly believe that his second term will be much better and hope that he'll have more balls to fight the Republican.

    What did Obama do about that lizzette? The jobs are over seas still! He wants to raise corporate tax. That will keep the businesses over seas. He's done nothing to bring the businesses home. He's no different. You spread propaganda and that's it.

    Endorsing Ron Paul for President

    Working for ex president Jimmy carter on his pea "nut farm

    Maybe he crying for his next election ,well that a thought!


    He will fill out jobs if the Republican didn't sabotage his work. It is exactly what they did from the beginning of his presidency. I really hope that he'll win and will have more guts to fight back.

    you are a PROPAGANDA MACHINE Lizzette.



    I think he should get up to his teleprompter, spread his legs wide, bend over, and kiss his butt goodbye !!!!

    The Prince of fools...

    Start working on the content of his speeches instead of on the delivery.


    I am a specialist so have respect for the citizen of the USA.You are what you are ...I think they are insulting the American citizen we all know how to read....may Google some of the bs they say and find out the truth.

    Lizzette, what are you a "specialist" of ?

    Well, I just read an editorial by Ruth Marcus that I think makes perfect sense for not only the president , but for all the candidates for office. They should be required to submit their proposals for the economy and other aspects of government.  I'm not just talking about the usual fluff, but substantial detailed plans and be called to account for generalities or attempts to asuage us.  It infuriates me when politicians assume that we are too stupid to understand complex issues. I think they under estimate us. By the way, nice answers, not a serious one in the crowd. Maybe, they haven't under estimated us.


    No, the republican didn't come with a proposal for the economy However Obama has a plan. Mitt Romney Just talk and talk and talk....the same goes for Ryan Paul. Both are hypocrites and if you followed politics in the last 4 years you'll realize with whom you are dealing. They want the government and do the same like Dick Chaney least I know the president is going to help us especially the Obama Care that help the special need and autistic children but the Republican claim that it is not for the government to help them. .. It took those kind of Parents many years to get the Obamacare and I know it from close. I Honestly think that they are desperate to get the power back.Do you know why the Millionaires and Billionaires are pouring money, well they don't want to pay taxes... Do you want to pay taxes for them... When I asked a Republican the other day why Romney does not want to disclosed his tax return they came with a ridiculous answer- Because of a religious reasons....I couldn't care less. I earn good money but I pay Taxes actually a lot so I want that the Millionaires Do the same they don't need more yachts they'll have 3 instead of 4.. feel sorry for them....Believe me they don't care about you if you think so then you are naive.

    Obamacare is going to kill the old and the people who live on welfare.

    What I think is that neither side is giving us a real plan, just pablum. We can't sustain entitlement spending at current levels and both side know it, but it's not addressed by either side. And you can't balance the budget by taxing the wealthy. In fact, that whole argument by Obama about how successful people didn't create their business alone is specious. The fact that they use bridges to tranport, construction people to build their buildings or any of a hundred other things is irrelavent because all of those things are available to others, but it's the smart driven person that taps that energy and forms success from it.

    PRAYING 24/7.  Hopefully his prayer for re-election won't be answered in the affirmative.

    Tell the truth.

    Kissing babies. I haven't seen him doing this recently.  ""


    Probably because the babies puke on him.

    Colleen Hopefully  some American can read and think . Romney will not foul me neither Paul Ryan.I have no respect to none of them they just distort the truth- I want my social security and my medicare not VOUCHER in 15 years. I want health insurance Not a voucher,I want Education to children in the USA- Plus......I promise you we will win.


    We? If he gets in again, no one wins except illegal aliens and crooks who steal from the poor and middle class. Which one are you? I read, I think and I see the picture behind the propaganda you are such a mouth piece for. You ignore the lies, the betrayal and the total disregard of the US Constitution of this man. He is a scam artist and you are still immersed in the scam. Unless you can see the future, your promise that the shyster will be re-elected is just as empty as Obama's "promises".
    Where's the change Lizzette? The only thing he managed to change was the debt and credit rating of the USA. We can not afford another 4 years of this moron. If you were as intelligent as you believe yourself to be, you would understand this. Apparently the only thing you know how to read is the lies from his propaganda mill.

    lizzette, you are brainwashed. How does it make sense to have healthcare, before you even have a Job? Obama failed miserably.He ran our national dept up to unsustainable levels. Another 4 years of Obama and we will be worse than greece.We need someone who can balance a budget, which he has not done in 3 years.Obama is all talk and no action.

    Why does your computer IP address still showing that you are in Mexico?

    We have to give Obama  to move us forward. The Republican just promise but they are going to cut grants, eliminate programs and move many factories overseas so you  will not have a job... They  never budged their money on the contrary they left a chocs goverment that Obama is trying to restore but Unfortunately the republican sabotage his work. Hope his next term he'll have more balls to fight those Hypocrites. .Don't think they are going to help you  they will only help themselves. We did experience the most awful economy that the Republican left 31/2 years.  DO NOT FORGET IT!I don't trust them!


    I see you are a great believer in the democratic propaganda bubble. Obama put us into debt by trillions of dollars, more than any other president in history and you say the republicans can not budget money? Obama is still looking to borrow more money. How is that Obama trying to restore things? Open your eyes and THINK! Please do not vote this year. Stay home.

    lizette, quit blaming republicans. After almost 4 years in office, Obama has made things worse. The highest gas prices and food prices ever. He talks a lot about hope and change, but his actions speak louder than words.

    fabricate a passport, and go visit North Korea, or his birthplace Kenya! 

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