    wood- pellet stoves

    Do you have a stove that burns wood-pellets? Can you share your experiences concerning reliability, advantages, snags etc?

    +1  Views: 636 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    We bought our first wood pellet stove in 1991, Been burning pellets ever since. Our first stove was an Englander. Putting up the new log cabin we got a new stove, The Bixby , {Both are free standing in the main room.} The Bixby is nice but costly it generally takes a couple months to figure out how you want to set it, The bixby was allot more temperament than our old one but it is designed to burn corn.This stove will heat our hole house . If you do decide to burn pellets make sure you get premium hardwood pellets....Last year we needed a bout half a ton yet and they were getting hard to find at the end of the burn season, The ones we got were crap.. This year we went together with a few friends and bought a semi load up front. That should last use for a while..


    How much did you pay for it ?

    It was a little over $3000 Like I said it cost more than most but after I got it set to my liking its been fine. We dump the ash pan once a week, I do tear it down bout once a month an give it a good cleaning. If you wanted to burn corn just flip the switch They say its better burning corn but I haven't tried corn yet.

    Interesting question. As a traditional log-burning aficionado, I'm beginning to tire of all the hauling and am considering the pellet stove. I like the idea that you can fill the hopper and get extended burning hours. 


    So far I have been able to find info on pellet stoves made in Italy, Germany and Austria, but does anyone know if any are made elsewhere?
    I am planning to build a house and am interested in installing one.

    I believe that there still are North American manufactures but it comes down to what is easily available in YOUR area unless you are partial to origin.

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