    "If you could pick only one, what would it be: attractive,rich or famous?"

    +6  Views: 1336 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    Famous: A legacy to share for a life well-lived, and  principles to live by.


    Great answer Pamela.

    Thanks, Mega! :-)

    brilliant answer Pamela lol

    Thanks, Mel! :-)

    I would pick one of the things you suggest when I was young.  But now I prefer good health.  Someone said, "You need good academic records when you are young, good performance records when you are middle-aged, and good health records when you are old."


    good health was not one of the options

    id prefer what ive got and thats to be happy!

    None of the above......i would choose inteligence.

    i've alread got all three ... ya right!

    I have found love you can keep the rest they are only "Dreams.They dont make you happy .Maybe for a short time my "love has stood the test of time Fifty years.Still strong.

    I'd choose MONEY. I like my husband. I believe emily dickinson was correct when she said, "fame is a bee"  that was the first thing i learned in my writing class. 

    Rich : With that I can buy plastic surgery and with some hard work and money I can do enough good work to be famous . Are you the devil making deals ?????

    Love and health the rest will follow in due time.


    Love and Health, the weatlh of the world. :-)

    I'd rather have the intelligence, but out of the three mentioned, RICH, reason being I would have my OWN business, wouldn't had to report to anyone. I would buy me a private island to go to when I don't want to deal with certain ppl. I don't care about being famous, and as far as attractive, already got a beautiful woman, don't need anymore. I clean up VERY well though.



    "Hey spaceghost You looking for a man servant i even "lick shoes

    Yo dowsa, I'll make sure that you'll be high on my corporate ladder, you're not going to have to lick shoes lmao !!!!

    You'll get rich doing creative things with the computer. I saw it in my crystal ball.

    of the 3 options I would choose rich.  Happy wasn't a choice, but that would be before rich if it was a choice.

    None of the above, i would choose smarts !!! That's all


    You look so bright, Varon. You must have lotsa smartsa.

    Thank you Itsmee.

    With enough of $$$$$ you can make a gorilla look like Brad Pitt, and with enough $$$$$ you can be known worldwide as the richest SOB on the planet.

    Answer: Rich.

    I guess rich, b/c good looks don't pay the bills. . . .. . neither does notoriety


    You said that so good!

    Thank you . It's good to get positive feedback :-)

    It is better to be beautiful than to be good.  But......It is better to be good than ugly.  ~ Oscar Wilde


    Money, looks, or fame.....   With money, you can "buy" the looks and also some notoriety.  Many wealthy people are famous just because of their wealth.  So it looks like money can somewhat accomplish all three.

    With money, one could also be philanthropic, which could lead to being famous for doing good stuff (like putting your money into worthy causes). 

    Money is looking pretty good.  But I would prefer to be attractive on the inside as well as the outside.  Nothing can guarantee that, but that would be my choice.  Thanks for the good question.

    Rich, cause then i could buy the other 2

    RICH is my choice.  With richness comes responsibilities to humanity, to society and family.  Used wisely it could make you famous without looking for fame and may help you get the best medical attention if needed.  And you know if you must, attractiveness can be bought.  So richness without ego is what I want.

    OK.I'm shallow enough to say rich.

    If you are rich enough who cares what you look like or how many people recognize you.

    I'd put em all in one box then pick the box..

    rich because that makes me the other two.

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