    is the united states the only place on earth that has tornados?

    +1  Views: 391 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    We have them here in Australia to.Only not as frequently and usually not as destructive.

    The last one where I live (Brisbane) was in October 1973.It was quite a destructive one.

    The are common in the outback but only small.They call them willy-willys

    No. Tornados occur in North America, Asia, parts of South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. 

    no its not


    Tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica. 

    Hurricanes and tornadoes both form in warm, damp air when winds blow into each other from opposite directions.  Hurricanes develop over warm, tropical oceans, while tornadoes form over land and are more violent.  In a hurricane, the wind swirl around in a spiral at up to 200 miles an hour.  In the middle is a calm "eye" 4-25 miles wide, surrounded by the worst wind and driving rain.

    A tornado is a tall, funnel-shaped whirlwind of cloud up to 2,000 feet high.  In the middle is an eye of descending air, surrounded by a strong upward current that sucks up or destroys everything in its path.  Tornadoes can travel hundreds of miles before they die down.




    footnote: Thanks to global warming, the bands in which these storms are formed are widened, therefore allowing the storm more distance to build up strength before it hits its target, say, land. The consequences are so much more severe today than they were half a century ago. (Just my opinion)

    Chiangmai, Betsha you never had one in your Hawaiian Islands. lol.

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