    Obama, good President, or bad?

    Please explain why you think he is good or bad, and by what specific actions do you like or dislike?

    +9  Views: 4983 Answers: 38 Posted: 13 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Hello leeroy,
    A lot of conflicting view points. So I think this is a good question. I hope my answer helped a little. You get a thumbs up from me and if my question helped some, I'd appreciate the same.


    Thanks a lot you have quite a few good ones you self, take care


    Obama isn't our president. I have yet to see one bit of
    proof that he is a citizen of this country, either naturally
    born or naturalized. He has spent almost two million dollars
    to hide all documentation of his citizenship. Does that sound
    like someone who is a true citizen? According to the constitution
    of this country, he is not president. He is just a illegal alien,
    residing in the White House, running this country into the
    ground as fast as he can.


    he do not have the inteligent to run this country


    I think you meant to state: "He does not have the intelligence to run this country". Fortunately for you, even though you cannot spell, or compose a grammatically correct sentence in what I'll assume is your native language, English, you get to choose who to vote for in our representative style government. Thank your god, Walter, that there is no literacy test for people like you, or you could not back up your political picks or views at the ballot box. Lucky You, to live in a country where you don't have to know much

    38 Answers (31-38 Displayed)


    considering what was already on his plate when he took office. He is doing the best he can with what he has. We have to remember that he didn't create the mess we are in and it was all created over time and many presidents...each one just trying his best to undo what was done before and keep the peace. When his term is up guess what the next president will face the same issues or some similar and new ones. America's people are hard to please..we are not united.... He is doing an excellent job considering the cards that were already dealt for him when he took office.


    yes but that is every presidents excuse the place was a mess when I got here, isn't it that's what Clinton said Bush said it they all say it

    I can't believe Obama, he's giving a speech from a Chrysler plant saying how great the stimulus package was... He's bragging on how Chrysler has bought their stock back from the government...

    I don't see him mentioning that Fiat is buying up Chrysler stock and will soon hold the majority of the stock, another American Company sold to a different country...

    He is so full of crap... TMO
    he is probably the worst i have ever...just an other example of what happens to some people when they get momey and power..they just go nuts

    People need to remember .... when Obama became president, he was faced with many tasks, issues, etc as does all presidents. Leading this country is diffcult enough without being left with 8 years of George W. Bush's mess! President Clinton had to pull this country together after old man Bush, and now President Obama is having to do likewise!


    Oh Palllllleeeeaaase!
    I think you have your facts ass backwards. It's the republicans that are controlled by big money. Get your facts straight, sounds like you have been listening to some diehard repub.

    You need to get your facts straight! We the people bailed GM and Chrysler out along with all the stinking banks! Hope you and all your socialist friends enjoy paying for that for the next 100 years!

    I have to remind you that Obama is set to raise a Billion dollars for his campaign in 2012, both parties are connected to big money.
    Saved general mtrs and chrysler along with thousands of jobs for anyone connected to auto indus.

    Take a read above Hannible, Chrysler is going to be owned by Fiat, it will no longer be owned by an American Company.
    good pres. not tough enough but beats anything the party of NO has

    Good President!


    <a href="/users/1111/randy-palmer/">@Randy Palmer</a> - Do your research. I'm pretty sure you will fine a lot of "good"!!!

    Headless Man

    Name one thing he has done thats good, and don't say health care.

    Headless Man

    Name one that you think is good! Not a single decision but a choice.

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