    Do you believe Jesus Christ is Lord?

    John 3:16 "what does it mean".

    +6  Views: 977 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Not only do I believe it, I know it.


    You got it!!!

    very much so

    It's a sure thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Haa, haa, hah...

    Ha ha it's funny now,but death is final!Remember!Will you be laughing at your soul also??Or do you not have one??



    Dead as a doornalia.

    No doubt about it. 

    Lord of ALL. Name above all names. Jesus Christ

    Religion AGAIN.


    All day everyday!

    They can't help themselves, they are so brainwashed. Well, they would be if they had one...

    Shut up eggie peggie!

    I do believe that JESUS CHRIST is LORD.  For those who don't, I am sorry for your loss.  I hope you find peace. 


    ""It's xmas...

    Headless Man

    Because your outnumbered don't make you wrong, in most cases, just this one.

    Hi Randy, hope you are well.

    Count me in, baby. 

    Please don't ask another religious question for one week, ok?

    i believe jesus was a hobo

    Headless Man

    Your right he was homeless vagabond, often penniless but he came here to die for all that would accept him as the son of God.
    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    Your choice.......

    Why was he broke? I thought he was a carpenter, maybe not a very good one. Should have served a apprentership or gone to TAFE.

    YES i'm willing to bet all eternity on it

    No…The person who was known by the name Jesus in biblical lore, I know as Michael of Nebadon who is our system sovereign, whom I know, love and serve.


    Eron, who said so says the word? Some old codger stoned on cheap plonk no doubt.

    No one can prove the "word of god" so I respectfully suggest you keep you views private unless you have catagoricaly provable evidence to the contrary

    John 3:16 is a sentence from a paragraph, out of a chapter from the book of John which was written by the first Apostle/Disciple Mariam ben Magdala.

    Perhaps you should put it into context and read the entire book of John. Yahweh ben Nazarene was the Word of God. If you believe in the kingdom of heaven with your entire being, then you WILL enter the kingdom of heaven when the final veil is drawn. This promise was made by the Word of God, so says the word. Amen

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