    What is a person who analyzes blood and urine called?

    This person performs complete blood counts and uses analytical instrumentation to determine the concentration of chemical species and enzymes in blood and urine samples.

    0  Views: 2182 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

      That would be a medical technologist.  If a person wants to be certified by the ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists), which is what most hospitals are now requiring, then they need a bachelor's degree in clinical lab science, then they need to pass a test given by the ASCP, and also to get a license from the state they want to work in.  During the last year of studies, clinical rotations are done in a hospital so the student can see the practical applications of what they're learning.  The ASCP exam is taken after graduation, and since it's based on practical experience, I would recommend starting a job before taking this test.  Hospitals will allow you 3 months to take and pass this test after youve started working (your temporary license is good for 3 months).  Every 2 years, continuing education courses are required in each different lab department (chemistry, hematology, blood banking, immunology/serology, and microbiology). 

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