    Condolences To The Fallen US Troops In Afghanistan

    +11  Views: 1320 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    The Brown Family offer our deepest condolences to all of our fallen soldiers and their families. May God Bless You and Keep You.


    Amen Pamela

    Thanks, Mel! How are you doing?

    Hi Pamela brilliant question I am fine hope you are to thank you for asking xoxoxo

    I want to thank all those fallen soldiers for theire dedication and love for our country. This is the ulimate sacrifice. Rembering all our fallen sodiers and theire families. May God bless you all.

    Thank you for your dedication, loyalty and sacrifice.  God be with you till we meet again. 

    may  God bless you and keep you through this sad time.

    Too bad the president won't just bring our troops home.

    Thank you!

    The Medley family offer our deepest condolences to all our fallen soldiers and their families. God be with you all.

    My sympathy and condolences for all the sacrifice made by our women& men soldiers gave their life for our Country may GOD give them peace,love ,rest.

    cameron too!

    ill second that

    Thanks pamela God Bless all the troops who have died in the USA and in the UK I knew Three of them who died in the UK from the Same Family I know God is with them


    Sorry to hear this about your friends. May God strengthen these families from this unforeseen tragedy. ;*

    Thanks Pamela for your comment I knew thier Mom and Aunt they are not the same people my heart goes out to all the familys who been through this tragic war lol

    Really is time to get out now. Eventually we will all be out of there. Guess what, they will revert to the old ways prior to the war within months. I say kill them all men, women, and children. Bomb the mosques, schools, all government buildings. The only thing these creatures understand is death, murder, let it rip and totally obliterate them.

    My deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

    Jean Paul

    Peace to the families of the fallen soldiers.  Thank  you for giving us the greatest sacrifice of all -your children, husbands, fathers, and sons.   Respectfully, The Green Family.

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