    if I drank nothing but water and used my juicer to make fresh juices for two days how much weight could i loose

    0  Views: 368 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Big reunion coming up soon ?

    Wrong thing to do. You need a good balanced diet.

    You cannot "loose" weight.  Your pants may be very loose, but not your weight.

        The cravings automatically go away on their own when you stop eating lots of fat and sugar.  It's just like when someone craves drugs; the more addicted they are, the more they crave a drug.  As soon as you start weaning yourself off the drug, the cravings will lessen, and as you take less and less of the drug, you get fewer and fewer cravings.

         Fat abd sugar cause a response in the brain (the release of a hormone called serotonin) that actually make you addicted to them.  This is a scientific fact that gets buried by the media hype about diets.  The media want people to think that if they can't stick to a diet because they have cravings, then they're "weak", and they "have no willpower".  This is totally untrue.  The minute a person can start treating fat and sugar like the undesirable drugs they are, that person will set themselves free from the grip of the cravings they create.  This is not done overnight; I started by continuing my binges for 4 days, stopping for 1 day, binging for 3 days, stopping for 1 day, until my binges got further and further apart.  And I'm not saying that to this day I don't have cravings at all; it's just that I choose my sweets carefully, and eat just enough to get a taste.  For example, I like Ben and Jerry's Toffee Heath Bar Crunch.  It's like I'm getting chocolate and candy at the same, and I only eat about 3 spoonfuls.  I figure by that time, I've gotten all the taste sensation I'm going to get, so I mighgt as well stop at that point.

        I don't understand why doctors don't tell people that they're actually PHYSICALLY addicted to high-fat and high-sugar foods.  It's definitely to the diet industry's advantage for people to believe that they're just psychologically weak, and all they need to do is find the right weight-loss product for themselves.  It is NOT a psychological addiction; it's definitely a physical one, but not one that you can't overcome. 

       It depends on how much you weigh; the more you weigh, the more water weight you'll lose.  Juicers are great, but please use yours in conjunction with excercise and a healthy diet.  Really, if you eat lean proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables, eat only when you're hungry and just enough to feel full, and excercise for at least 30 minutes a day, your body will store less fat and use up the excess it already has.  A low body weight is a lifestyle, and there's no short-cut to losing weight.  But I guarantee you that once you quit eating fats and sugar, your cravings for them will almost totally disappear.  Believe me, I'm talking from experience; I used to gorge on suagary cereals, peanut butter, and ice cream all at the same time, starve myself the next day, and wonder why I was gaining weight. I felt like a drug addict, but my drug was the worst one ever:  food! Your brain actually reacts to fat and sugar like they're drugs; the more of them you eat, the more your body craves.  Once I realized this, and started weaning myself off them, my cravings started to go away.  Now my cravings are for fresh fruits, whole wheat cereals, and cottage cheese-seriously!  Don't expect to be able to eat perfectly right away; just make small changes at a time, and build on those.  You will change your life!


    How did you make the cravings go away ?

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