
    +1  Views: 694 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Racism is everywhere around the Globe. Not all people are racist.

    America has done more to be Anti-Racist than most countries. We have the Bill of Rights, The Constitution, and the Equal Rights Ammendment. Along with Affirmative Action, we've just about done what has been the impossible.

    It is people within the Black Caucus, NAACP, and followers of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton movements, that will somehow find anything to be racist that pits against anyone black. When it comes to disagreeing with a white person, it is Freedom of Speech. When it comes to disagreeing with a black person, it is racism.

    Let's use our own common sense with this second paragraph and determine what exactly is the problem in America with racism. Seems to me to be the obvious. If there is a Black elected President, which there is, American white people are still a bunch of racists according to anyone speaking out against him.


    **Standing and applauding**

    Well said redslider! You are correct, the most racist people are those accusing others of racism. I do find it funny though, when Obama was elected, jessie Jackson was sheding tears. Some say that he was proud that a black man made it to the highest office, I say he was crying because he was out of a job.. we haven't heard from him since then. And remember, Obama is half white so when someone accuses me of being racist because i don't like his policies, i am quick to respond with-- "i am not racist, I don't like his white half either..."

    "Obama is half white so when someone accuses me of being racist because i don't like his policies, i am quick to respond with-- "i am not racist, I don't like his white half either..."

    **Standing and applauding again.**

    Obama is NOT black, he is of mixed race.

    It's as simple as this, if the United States was a racist nation, the blacks would still be slaves to the white man.

    Blacks have equal rights and a few special rights thrown in (affirmative action, political correctness, non use of words like Negro and N*****, hate speech,  punishable offenses in some states). It's time to put the race card away.  

    ed shank

    I have always believed that there are cultural differences between blacks and whites, Jews and Christians. We have difficulties understanding and accepting these inherent differences. I am a product of a European mindset with European values which were instilled for centuries in my forefathers and past down thru generations. Blacks also "had" a history of cultural identity dating back centuries before they were sold into slavery. Irish, Germans, Italians can identify with each of their cultures, However blacks during slavery were herded together from different tribes and each individual culture became disconnected. All of their tribal rituals, morality and laws were no longer distinguishable. Their identities have been lost. It's no different then not knowing who your parents are. Hence, frustration.

    We have our fair share.

    no just congress!

    Most of U.S.A. is.  However, the 50th State: Hawaii is "no ka oi"! 

    Hawaii is the mildest of all when it comes to racism.  Why?  The people here are all mixed.

    Where do you live?



    That "most of the US" you speak of, would they be the ones who voted Obama in?

    Yes we are  but so are  many other countries  just ask any arab country they'll tell you

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