    What kind of smaller government do you envision?

    +1  Views: 546 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    We must strive to have a smaller government.  Henceforth, we will only hire government employees that are 5'4" and 130 lbs. or less.

    What I envision and what will happen in reality is worlds apart. This government is going to get even bigger. Has anyone figured it out yet? This man LIES.

    one that is not an enabler and returns power back to the states

    There are many things that we can do to shrink the size of government. Unfortunately the people we vote into office seek to stay in office by bringing more citizens into government jobs and programs that cost all of us to support. Reducing the size of government requires us to take charge of  our community needs and not accept government support to do that. For example you can pick up trash in the parks whenever you come across it. Support animal shelters, clean-up a public toilet, blow the dirt off the street in front of your house, Take trash from school to your own trash can at home. Recycle trash from public places, Deliver leftover food from school lunch rooms to food banks, Volunteer at police and fire stations to help clean-up and organize. Do pre-school child care for parents who work. And vote out political leaders who seek to make government bigger and bigger. Government can franchise out jobs that otherwise would be done within government services. Unfortunately the services that I know of as contract agencies like HUD are set up to distribute federal money and cannot advertise or generate a financial profit. If the Dept of Fish and Game  were allowed to generate a profit  then the incentive would be to boost license sales by managing fish and wildlife profitably….more wildlife. Instead we see the decline of wildlife and no encouragement of natural diversity.  

    Government gets bigger by assuming responsibility where free enterprise does not appear to be willing or able to do the job. This perception is challengeable in the courts and before congress if a reasonable business plan can be developed to profitize a government agency. Black Water is an attempt to usurp military actions by a mercenary group for profit. Other examples abound where Government can be parred down by enterprise and expand beyond our governmental service support into the private service and multinational service sectors. Conscription prisons have been found to be potential libelous but the basis is solid though requiring public monitoring.  

    tyrantical........o, that what it is, already!

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