    Do you agree with what I read today? I read that "The Arabs are not Happy!"

    "The Arabs are not Happy!

    They are not happy in Gaza.

    They are not happy in Egypt.

    They are not happy in Libya.

    They are not happy in Morocco.

    They are not happy in Iran.

    They are not happy in Iraq.

    They are not happy in Yemen.

    They are not happy in Afghanistan.

    They are not happy in Pakistan.

    They are not happy in Syria.

    They are not happy in Lebanon.

    So where are they happy?

    They are happy in Australia, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, U.S.A., Norway, and in every country that is not Muslim.

    And who do they blame?

    Not Islam, Not their leadership, and not themselves.

    They blame the countries they are happy in.  And they want to change the countries to be like where they came from." 

    My question is:  Do you agree with what I just read today?


    +9  Views: 843 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    if you not happy in the backyard why would you be happy in the frount yard. people are always looking to place blame on everything but thenselves, so they want to come to america and many other non muslim countries,for what to share their misurey. i guess id be pretty unhappy if i had to wear a portable tent every where i went, so why not them,maybe if they didn't live in the dessert and found a oasis of real meaning they would be content with their own cultures!


    Good Answer lol

    Bloody shame they are not happy!

    You are right about them wanting to bring the grief from their old countries into ours.

    They do a lot of shit stirring here in Australia & whine like buggery when someone retaliates.


    ed shank

    Perhaps eating a few pork chops and downing them with a shot and beer will put them in better spirits. The Koran would be a great campfire starter.

    Funny you should say that Ed.I have read (Some) of the Koran.There is really nothing wrong with it,once again it is just their interpretation of it.Kind of like the way some people interpret the Bible.

    How can they say that ppl in the USA are happy??? Everyone here is on anti-depressants... LOL


    last week a woman got arrestet for driving, a car in agypt, your christen be more aware wath you do to each other than less people be on antidepressants,and about time the do something about it,

    It makes sense to me!

    happiness is a state of mind, sane or insane..

    Of course they are happy in Australia,they have it made.But they still want more more more.


    They have a weird way of looking at things.I don't think we will ever understand how the muslim mind works.


    I agree. Maybe they need to eat a vegemite, sandwich.

    Don't they eat vegemite?
    How bloody unAustralian is that?

    the have not a mind of there on, the goverment is thinking for them, do,nt forget with help from us, if you look the keep old time alive

    Perhaps they need to eat some pork and stop wearing letter-boxes.

    My heart aches for them. Right.

    This is more legible than the other copy.  Read above.

    Of course they not happy, they are hungry. Ramadan cuts back on their bad habits. Its over later next week. Then they will go back to their suicide bombers, and other things they profess to say the world needs.  Obama will get back his jewelery when ramadan ends too.

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