    Favorite quote from a movie?

    What's your favorite line or quote from a movie? It can be inspirational, funny, or just memorable.

    A personal favorite...What every boy should hear before becoming a man.

    " Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money ... money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this.... that love....true love never dies ! Remember that boy ... remember that. Doesn't matter if it is true or not, a man should believe in those things , because those are the things worth believing in...... got that ?"

    Robert Duvall - Second Hand Lions

    +8  Views: 6742 Answers: 39 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: quotes movie

    John Wayne.

    "Well, git her on her horse."

    39 Answers (31-39 Displayed)

    Here's...Johnny! Jack Nickelson - The Shining!!!

    I only said blow the bloody doors off. Michael Cain The Italian Job ( 1st` version)

    Look ma I am road kill the mask.There are two kinds of men in this world those with loaded guns and those who dig you dig the good the bad and the ugly.I'll be back the terminator
    Hasta la vista ! The Terminator and ... I see dead people from The Sixth Sense

    I always laugh when I picture in my mind John Belushi in "Animal House" screaming,

    "Over? Nothing's over until we say it's over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

    I'm actually smiling now as I write this:)

    "You can shoot all the crows you want, but it is a sin to kill a mockingbird."

    To Kill A Mockingbird (movie and book) - Harper Lee

    I also liked, (this was in the movie),"The 5th Element".Bruce Willis says, "Would you like me to negotiate?" Then shoots the bad guy in the head. Then says, "How did you like take negotation?"

    Badges? We don't got no badges. I don't got to show you no stinking badges! A Bogart film.

    Ms Sinclair

    The Treasure of the Sierra Madre to be more precise.


    Ms Sinclair

    Ah. That's my mom's favorite.

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