    Why youngsters disrespect their parents

    0  Views: 611 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    another good reason is a lot of parents are just kids themselvs, babies having babies!!

    Because parents these days dont beat the crap out of them like they use to.  I remember.



    Some parents don't deserve respect,kids see all sorts of abuse taking place in the home,parents freely using drugs,alcohol consumption,domestics,assault,it all rubs off onto the kids.These types of parents usually let the kids run wild.The kids dont know any better,and usually follow in the same footsteps.


    So true. I see some parents & think "What has that poor little bugger got to look up to?".

    The world is too PC. If a child says ma'am and sir the parents are too strick or brian washed. If a child says please and thank you the child is over trained. Parents are more concerned with being a childs friend that a parent. Which is robbing their children of a successful future, Notice how many young adults are still living with their parents.

    I am fortunate to have a hubby that has the same ideals for child rearing... We say ma'am and sir, please and thank you, and my children know that if they sass me there is a price to pay. But we show then respect as well.


    My kind of Mom and Dad.

    i think a lot of it started when they took prayer out of school. then they come along with children services where you cant even look at your child funny without being accused of child abuse. then you find after they have knocked on your door, your kids just got handed the license to do what they want or children services will come in to it. i know, they came to my house for yelling at my kids. it was all downhill after that. they got you by the ass and they know it. i was arrested once for hitting my son on his arm, after he broke out my windows and dumped trash all over the place. they said i had no business hitting him no matter what he done.. and dont think foster care would help. they put him in with 22 yr old foster parents that let him do what he wanted and enabled him to do drugs and alcohol


    What a mess . . . . .

    Parents have grown too lenient in teaching children boundaries. They'd rather be friends with their kids than draw a line of separation between children and adults. When you play friends with your kids, expect kids to treat you like they treat their friends. They will walk all over you like they do their friends.

    b/c nowdays kids are catered to and given in to, b/c it's easier for the parents  just give in all the time. Kids aren't being taught manners, and they aren't being taught it's not nice to speak to their elders the way they do. They pretty much say anything and do anything they want. Another, more loftier reason is that the parents are afraid if they say anything, they'll damage their child's little psyche and stifle his creativity. My parents didin't hear that theory and would have laughed at it. 

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