    "How can (we) convince U.S. manufactures from giving-away (American) jobs to foreign country's?" "Do American manufactures deserve (U.S.) government incentives such as tax breaks any longer?" "As for myself I consider it a form of treason!" when a manufacturer operates in such a way!" "(America Love it Or Leave it Corporate Whores)!"

    +3  Views: 425 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question Panda sorry i cant answer it I dont know enough of USA manufactures

    5 Answers

    No more tax beaks for having work done over seas. Give a tax incentive for creating jobs right here in the USA. Charge them larger taxes if they keep their business over seas. That plan never worked for us from the get go. It just made the corporations richer and the money never trickles down into the economy. It instead ends up in  Swiss bank accounts.

    What a great question, Panda!  No wonder they call you Panda.

    The situation we're in has become a catch-22.  Recall some 25 years ago we had an uproar in this country regarding foreigners coming to the U.S. to possibly take over jobs that should have gone to the Americans?  To appease the Americans, the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service), a division of the Department of Justice, tightened up the granting of work visas to many foreigners.  The result?  Less workers from foreign countries were able to enter the country to work and receive substandard pay (compared to the American counterpart).

    Amercian companies immediately scrambled to cut expenses to boost profitability.  Believe it or not, shortly thereafter, a new word was invented in America:  OUTSOURCING.  Well, "if we can't bring them in the country to give them jobs, we'll take the jobs to where the foreigners live."  Pretty soon our European friends and his brother all started outsourcing.  Why not?  Why pay an American (or European) $36,000 plus benefits to answer the phone for American Express when you can shift the phone duty to Mumbai or Manila and only have to pay them $5,000 per year with minimal benefits.

    So, if the American corporations decide to be patriotic today and try to bring the jobs back home, 90% of the American companies would go out of business.  It's a really sad situation we're in, and I am not sure there's an easy solution at hand.

    But, Panda, what a great question though.  Love it!  Thank you.


    Great explanation. :)

    Panda, we'd like to hear some of your ideas as to how to deal with this delicate situation. Or how can we solve this outsourcing problem we are currently faced with.

    They need to lower the corporate tax in the US. Make it easier for businesses to get a permit(Do away with all that red tape), charge taxes for imports. Most important of all- do not buy anything made in China.

    The same thing is happening down here in Australia. Not only that we are also selling large parts of our country.

    Ford motor company is spending 900 MIL to build a plant out of this country. We need to stop buying Fords.

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