    Athiest/Agnostic Quiz

    1. What is the difference between an atheist and an agnostic?

    a. The atheist does not believe in God, the agnostic isn't sure if he believes in God.

    b. Atheists are against all religion; agnostics are accepting of religion.

    c. There is no real difference.

    d. The atheist does not believe in gods; the agnostic believes that we do not or cannot know if God exists

    2. Atheism is a religion.

    a. True

    b. False

    3. Studies have shown that more intelligent people are more likely to be atheists.

    a. True

    b. False

    4. Who said, in response to a question on his religious beliefs, "I find enough mystery in mathematics to satisfy my spiritual needs."?

    a. Niels Bohr

    b. Steven Jay Gould

    c. Tom Lehrer

    d. Richard Feynman 





    1. What is the difference between an atheist and an agnostic?

    d. The atheist does not believe in gods; the agnostic believes that we do not or cannot know if God exists

    2. Atheism is a religion.

    b. False

    3. Studies have shown that more intelligent people are more likely to be atheists.

    a. True

    14. Who said, in response to a question on his religious beliefs, "I find enough mystery in mathematics to satisfy my spiritual needs."?

    c. Tom Lehrer

    +2  Views: 1264 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    I don't understand the point....

    Spirituality and religion is/are personal.  Why on this planet does any type of quiz need to be answered pertaining to beliefs or 'that the lighter' and sometimes uglier?

    In my experience, when someone posts or even asks a question such as this, they are attempting to prove something to themselves and no one else... therefore, not one single soul on this mortal coil needs to agree or disagree with you.  Only YOU need to agree with you TODAY. ... That is part of your personal journey.

    There are a tremendous amount of human beings on this planet that don't give a flying fig about Mensa even if they qualify.  I knew an extremely bright Mensa rated person who did believe in God... he was connected.  He also was a large fan of Emerson.

    Atheism is not religion... it is not organized, there is no 'anything' to pray to and it is not connected to the Universe.  It is as it is, in it's entirety... such as 'it' lives or breathes within one single man or woman.  I was raised in an Atheist house.  I was raised in Science. 

    Feel free to live your life any way you please.  It is entirely up to you.  If you are studying religion and spirituality... take a trip around the world.  We are all connected.  This is a glorious Universe.

    Good luck on your quest.  There will always be someone who does not agree with you and someone who takes monumental offense pertaining to this subject.


    here's what it says on an atheist's gravestone............" Here lies  the poor atheist.All dressed up and no place to go "  

    This is the answer they had for it:
    Quite a few studies have been done. For example, Southern and Plant interviewed 72 MENSA members (a high-IQ group in the United States) and found that they were much less likely to be religious than average Americans. A survey of scientists by the National Academy of Sciences in the U.S. showed that 93% disbelieved in the concept of a personal God.

    I figured there would be some debate about that one. I don't necessarily agree with it either.

    interesting, Ashligh

    I suppose 72 MENSA members makes a majority of intelligent people? 
    "Personal" God?  What happened to "Universal" God?  


    to bad you cant give youself a thumbs!up i have a problem with question #3, for every study that says one thing there's studies that show just the oppisite

    statistics don't lie, but stataticians do.

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