    Have you written a poem that means a lot to you or others? Please share with us.

    This is one I did to help someone with only a few days left on the earth

    Close your weary eyes, sense His peace.. Captive in your pain, He can make it cease.. Trust in the Healer, feel the warmth of His touch.. He stretched out His arms, said 'I love you this much'

    When all feels pointless and you feel there is no hope.. Talk to the Shepherd, He will help you to cope.. Can you think of another so faithful and true.. He whispers your name, yes that name is you

    If you walk through the valley of worry and fear.. You can rest in His promise, 'I will always be near'.. His Word and His love, they will comfort you.. So rest now my friend, ' I will carry you through'

    +4  Views: 1723 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: share poem

    sorry for the loss, it's a great poem :] i love poetry too

    10 Answers

    I would not in your pain and suffering more to bear,
    ask for you to be returned to me from God’s sweet care,

    But my heart in it’s brokenness that none can repair,
    These flooding tears always in despair,

    Would give up everything I have and hold,
    Just to hold your hand, kiss your cheek and have you to love
    and be my Mom and best friend forever more.

    I know that I hold not that power,
    only God and God above and alone holds any power
    as it should and always will be,
    But, you my Mom were and always will be my one true friend who cared for me.

    I miss you now more than even then
    On that day when you left me here

    To truly know that you were the one true gift in life that God gave to me,
    To be my Mom and my best friend.

    It is with great sadness and a heart broken to pieces, I had to let you go,
    And today the tears still flow,

    With an never ending sadness, hurt and pain,
    That until we meet again will not be removed this sorrow and pain,

    But in knowing in God’s great plan,
    That one day we will meet again

    You in no more pain and suffering,
    Me in no more tears and pain.


    For my Mom, 11/21/10 her passing 11/21/09.

    This is a poem I wrote in memory of my Mom and Mother's day is coming up and you might not like it I know and it is kind of long but my heart is hurting more and more each day Mother's day draws closer......



    LOVED it, smile, your mum loves you and you love her. you'll surely meet her in happiness. only time will tell.


    That was so beautiful. I will keep it. Your mom is so proud of you. xxx

    I wrote this poem about a friend of mine when I was a child and how the life of abuse has affected the rest of her life. It is about life patterns

    Drugs and alcohol, now her best friend.

    Numbing a childhood she wished she could end.

    Screaming and crying echo through the years.

    Watching the beatings through a child's tears.

    Drunken, raging, out of control.

    She watches her father losing his soul.

    Beaten, bruised, her mother's not done.

    Finding excuses, no reason to run.

    No one will save her, no one to tell.

    No one will take her out of this hell.

    All grown up now, her mother is gone.

    This violence in men she finds herself drawn.

    Fears of his rage are now her story.

    If her mother could see this she'd certainly be sorry.

    Patterns of childhood have continued the way.

    This man, she loves him, she too will stay.


    Thanks Mom. Really good but I feel for your friend. x


    So do I, the last time I saw her she was beligerent and drunk out of her mind. It broke my heart to see she never broke the pattern

    This is a poem I wrote after a dark time in my life. So dark I took over 60 tablets but God had other ideas for me and am now in a very happy time in my life........

    *Life had ended, yet alive still.
    Seemed no future, lost the will.
    To carry on, face another new dawn.
    Only to struggle up this topless hill.

    Heavy black cloud filling my head.
    Pressing me down, wish I was dead.
    Can’t get to sleep, too empty to weep.
    For morning will come, another day to dread.

    Dare not look up, it might be blue.
    Pain comes from hope that filters through.
    It’s not for me, will never be free.
    Spiralling down, nothing I can do.

    In the end I wanted to leave all.
    Took 60 plus, into a sleep I did fall.
    Time here was now done. Turn my back and just run.
    To His arms, feel loved, and forget all.

    My Lord looked down, said 'Its not you’re time yet'
    'I have plans for you, a future which I have set'
    Your pain and rejection is my sorrow to
    I took it upon me the night we first met'*


    LOVED it friendineed. your an awesome writer. i'm happy your happy now :]


    Thanks. It is very encouraging. I have loads and will put on from time to time

    Up in the morning, try to stand, Feet are in pain, give me a hand,

    Now I bow my head, and thank GOD, for the feet I have, and the strength to trod,

    WE all get old, and pain is not odd, but as long as I live, I’ll stand for GOD.

    Every time I have a pain, i stop and pray, Lord give me the strength, for another day,

    Because those that are lost, still need my prayer, for all my family, and those that are not heirs,


    Headless Man

    Welcome, thanks for the chance to share. I wrote that in just a few minutes and I'm sure God gave me the words, because I'm just an old redneck with no poem skills. Love, Randy


    Thanks Randy. It will be good to keep all these. Bless you


    If you look at mine also. I am no poet but when I pray for help the words just come easy. Now you have started keek going.


    Keek. Silly me should be Keep

    I see clearly
    Life is not only good,
    But the Glorious experience of millions,
    Its glory, the clothes of human virtue,
    Ever the splendor of fellowship,
    Of human devotedness,
    Of beneficence of the love
    Of loved ones, of friends.

    I see clearly, Life is good,
    Heroism is upon it, in all forgiveness,
    The crown of martyrdoms upon its brow,
    The brightness of the Soul,
    Conscience, in truth,
    Ever shines through this visible form
    Despite the darkness’s,
    That, oft seek a space,
    In, its cares and labors.

    I see clearly, Life is good,
    There is something mighty,
    In the frailest man,
    Something of immortality
    In the momentary,
    Transient beings
    Which are “We.”

    I see clearly by soul,
    A mind which stretches every way,
    Thoughts flash into the abroad,
    Far into the boundless
    And immeasurable,
    Far into the great dark,
    And teeming future,
    To become the powers,
    The influences of the Ages

    I see on every side the Infinity,
    Whose, loving Author,
    Brings us the Wisdom,
    Of the eternal stars,
    That we may know purpose
    And our divine place.
    We are indeed star dust,
    In that we are One and the All,
    I see clearly and “I see you” my Love.
    Every day is Valentines-day with you,
    For I am glorified in - Love.

    " Aloft on the shady hill in the faraway corner of The Gant did Mowatt call home. a great steep hill it was, and on the cliff's edge did mana of all trees stead. Like Mowatt did this tree live, near the edge and between comfort and chasm. On nights when stars and the great moons shone brightly in the sky did Mowatt sense a presence beyond what his eyes could see. His back against the mana tree, his eyes glinting like the stars; there was a feeling of something else there. That was always there. But was changing. Like a moth flying in to a flame he was being pulled by this presence. It felt as a great dragon of his nightmare, yet beyond that was there truth, and wishes coming true. The essence of desire and fulfillment. "

    I work with Driftwood and this is a poem I wrote about the journey similar to our life and the we can be born again. We can be disgarded and life seems over but with love and hope we can rise again

    Another Chance

    This simple creation from seed it did grow

    Fell to the ground, battled wind, hail and snow

    Nourished by soil, became a great tree

    Lived and died, fell into the sea

    Beaten by waves, washed up on the beach

    Worn by sand, rays of sun….a bleach

    When times are hard and you just can’t cope

    Look at this driftwood; it will fill you with hope

    I was a junior in high school when I wrote this.  It's still true too often today.

    I sometimes wish that I could fly,
    And to this life, I'd say good-bye.
    I'd fly away from all my sorrow,
    Fly to the promise of tomorrow.
    But when I reached tomorrow,
    I'm scared that I would find
    My life to be exactly like
    The one I'd left behind. 


    that is good. thanks

    My elderly Aunt was in Hospital and she was really depressed and wanted home. I wrote this poem to let her know she was in Gods will and that her family loved her. She is 89

    In His time.
    You are there for a purpose and are in His Will.
    On earth for a long time and He’s using you still.
    Lift up you head in praise for blessings each day.
    Your tired, frustrated but at least you can pray.
    For all those around you who are blind and lost.
    Through you they may see Him and not pay the cost.
    You may not notice but they can’t help but see.
    In your heart you have someone; they think ‘who can it be’.
    It’s not over yet for your now in the right place.
    In your life they will see him and learn of His Grace.
    At this time you feel weak but in Him you are strong.
    He will carry you through this; you’ll be home before long.
    So while you are there please smile each new day.
    Your family all love you and for healing we pray.

    We need more of these. Read above. Fantastic...I dont mean mine but the others

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