    A wedding is many young girls dream. I believe the average cost of a wedding is $28,000. Do you think this is excessive?

    +7  Views: 1046 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    If I was told my girl had planned a wedding that was to cost $28k I would be thinking this has got to be Roman Theater….complete with the ox to be gored and naked virgins on opiated hash amid a sea of wine and priestess dancing about with Pan on steroids while strumming a Lyre  and flute accompaniment.


    robertgrist ... I'm rolling in the aisle.

    Umbriel ~ You guys are a match. ha ha haha.

    Concidering i spent 89 dollars and eloped 17 years ago... Yes I think spending that wuch on a wedding is stupid.... Plan your marrige not your wedding.


    That's a great logo for a pre-marriage counselor - Plan your marriage not your wedding." I like that. TU Jenn

    Love your answer Jenn. TU to you

    In this day and age, yes. Why not elope? Too cheap? Then cut a lot of corners, including the dress, the food at the reception doesn't have to be prime rib or lobster, not paying for more than one drink at the reception, etc. etc. Who has this kind of money to spend on one day? I'd rather give them a down payment on a house with this kind of money.

    Yes I agree with everyone on this page wedding now are far too exspensive and it seems to me they are trying to keep up with the jones  or they think they are film stars I do think the Media are to blame for alot of this with stupid tv programs on weddings and who would want to watch them if you dont know them!

    I think it's a great waste of money. 28K is a sizable start to a down payment on a house. Besides statistically speaking, most marriages fail after only a few years making that kind of money an even greater waste. Go to a JP, no one really cares that much about your wedding anyway. You only think they do.



    totally agree Colleen

    You are so right about that Colleen. That really tickles me!

    Perhaps a little excessive.  The good news is:  a divorce can be had for $500. 

    Have a simple wedding ($1500 to 2000) and use the money for a down payment of your very first house.  Don't get in debt to start your new life.

    If you have that much money for a wedding party, maybe you could give some to the poor people who are starving for a meal.


    Good comment.

    The comment only good if you take the advice!

    Only if it comes from your pocket. All others will be glad to attend and enjoy the wonderful things you purchased for them.Get drunk and act like fools . I would plan several nice trips and put the rest down on a house .Then if something takes a left turn you have the house to cash in . The party leaves you with only memories and reciepts. That kind of money needs respect properly invested it will provide shelter and saftey for a long time . In case you do throw that party with a open bar can I please attend ???

    Far too much. Why don't you elope?

    it's way too high, especially given the statistics that 50 %  of marriages end in divorce. She dosn't have to have an expensive gown to look nice, or live birds in cages, like I saw at one reception.

    A waste of money. Speaks volumes about where young peoples priorities are today. The last two weddings I attended were in excess of 50K. What a waste.


    I wonder if they are still married Ed?
    ed shank

    As of this post, yes.

    50K! : O

    my husband and i got married at the elders house. we wore nice clothes from our own closets. he charged us 35$. all we did was have a few drinks after. we were married 30  yrs before he passed. you cant get any cheaper than that, and we made it!


    Great love story.

    Take a look at barefoot cruises leaves Miami every tuesday  all you bring is a tooth brush and a swimsuit  7 days on a sail boat with nightly stops on private island bon fire s music  and the stars  all for about 900.00  food is included . So you can make plenty of memories for less than 28,000


    Living in my bathing suit is not my idea of fun! What would I do with my thighs?!

    Actually, I think this is a good idea. Wonderful idea. "private island, bonfire, music, stars & food. I'm in CA, so I'd have a fun flight first ... Oh, wait, I'm married!

    The whole world does not revolve around your wedding.  Your friends and family do care abour your marrage.  Suggest you devote the time to working on your marriage and not spending money on a wedding.  Do you and future mate have a short and long term financial plan?  Do you and future mate have ideas about who will do the household duties?  Future children?  The list goes on and on.

    Big weddings appear to me to be about self and that is not a way to start your new life together.

      Many people ,like my parents and  like my bro and is wife have only tea , coffee, cookies,cake, and finger sandwiches for their reception. I've heard of people being critized for doing this, but if they don't have the money for a sit down dinner and alchohol, what else can they  do ?


    long as they are happy who cares what other people think?

    Its crazy. For one day and many times the money is barrowed. Debt for years. I would rather give my daughter 28k for a start in a house than waste it on food and drink for a lot of strangers.

    28K !! Sorry don't wan't to be a killjoy here but a total waste of money. Yes get married by all means, but make a sensible budget according to your pocket. Remember a wedding is over in a day - marriage is a long term comitment, so plan your finances for your future life together & not just a wedding day.  

    Thank you for your answer. Let's see if any more answers come in.

    It would be so cheap for me, if I could wrap up my daughter's wedding with $28k. I'm afraid she would ask for more something like new furniture, new car, or helping out with mortgage down payment, in addition to the cost of wedding.....I pray not. ;-(

    A municipal court judge married my wife and I. The same Judge sentenced me to 90 days in jail six months prior to that. He tried to talk my wife out of marring me, he commented "Young lady, I see him more than you do, please reconsider this". That was 42 years ago. Cost me 5 bucks for the marriage license. 

    ed shank

    Knocked a cop on his ass. Made a comment to my future wife that I found offensive. No regrets at all. The five bucks for the license was money I worked for. During my crazy years, I was not to be taken lightly by anyone including the police. Piss me off, you will bleed.

    I've worn myself out giving thumbs up all around. it seems to me that we all come from a different planet than the 28K  or           50K!!!!!              folks. I like us. Indeed.

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