    Its time for a For and Against vote. Do you believe in God or Not? *stand up and be counted*

    +22  Views: 6445 Answers: 84 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: for or vote against

    No I don't. What kind of God would allow children to suffer. What kind of God would allow all the pain that is happening in the world right NOW....No I do not believe in God. I believe in evolution. I was brought up a Mormon and I lost it around 14 when the President had a great revelation, I won't say what it was...but after that, I just think that God is not up in the sky watching all the suffering down here. Not possible!

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    The question is fine just like what ever your answer, opinion is.
    Why vote down this question? friendindeed here is my thumbs up for your question.

    Verna Hendrickson

    My God and your God may not be the same. The God I conger up is deals with truth, forgiveness, mercy, comforter and much more. I do believe in God. All over the world God is the entity on a higher level than man. We are a weak society if we don't have a God to look to for strength. My God loves praise from me and thanksgiving and gratitude for all that I have. I love my neighbor just as I love myself. We are in the same flesh state. We are not that different.



    84 Answers (61-84 Displayed)

    Why do you care?


    I care because when I gave my life to God He gave me a careing heart.

    I believe in GOD.

    Nope. No god, gods, goddess or goddesses either.

    Of course there isnt. GOD is a man made fabrication thought up to keep the great unwashed in line.Any dude who hands down 10 commandments, and they all begin with THOU SHALL NOT must be a bit of a sicko. Why didnt he include all go out and enjoy yourselves.


    If there waqs no God then there would be no you. He made you

    no i definetly do not belive in god,it is all made up to brainwash people aload of old rubbish!

    all religion comes down to faith !!!!!!think about it -----the key word is faith!!!

    Headless Man

    Faith is a confidence or trust in the achievement of God's will, even though unseen and unexpected by non-believers. I have that Faith and with that a personal relationship with Jesus.

    why? does people fear of god get to the poinnte of a vote ?live your life , be good do whats right treat those as you would be treated, and god will worry about the rest,your life is but an instant on this earth try not to worry about god , if there is a god a he will do the worrying for us all

    I believe in the Goddess and the God, in that they are precepts of the duality of nature. The Mother (Earth)Goddess representing the bounty that sustains us, the water we drink, and the air we all breathe. The God represents the sun and the energy needed to sustain the Goddess. To believe that a sentient being consciously constructed all that is? In six days? Please, that's a fairy tale. To take it further and write down his rules in a book? So to answer the question as intended, nope. Anymore, I find it repugnant, especially in light of what writing that stuff down has gotten us. Nothing more than unneeded bloodshed over who's right, when in the end no one is. If we all concentrated as much effort into our own backyards/neighborhoods (your part of the Earth) as we did on our "faith," everyone will be better off for it.

    Durk Simmons author Strings of Connection


    So this is your chance to tell us how this all started without a Creator.

    I believe in God the creator, the IT, the energy force devoid of gender. I do not believe Jesus is God. There's God and there's Jesus but no combining of the two. You either follow God or you follow Jesus. Like Paula I believe we are Soul and Soul is a particle of the IT sent to earth to be cleansed of impurities. Even the IT needs to be cleansed of the negative force it encounters. We are the marred bits that need to be cleansed. I know, sounds pretty sci-fi doesn't it? Imagine them trying to convince people of this 2000 years ago when modern man has trouble accepting or comprehending it. That's why Christianity was created. Lesser minded people (the ignorant people of the early era for clarification) needed something they could touch, see and hear in order to believe. "God" Itself has no voice or form. Kinda hard to believe in something you can not see or feel or hear. Christianity has been brilliantly marketed over the centuries so that people simply accept it because well, it's the popular religion. I mean if millions of others call themselves Christian, then they can't all be wrong, right?



    And it's quite fantastic how your religion managed to combine two gods to make it one God so they could adhere to the commandment of worshiping only one God. I bet someone got a bonus in his pay for figuring out how to work that.



    "If you dont believe why dont you ignore what we say. " Because you use your faiths reasoning to stand against homosexuals, something that I am. You use what you believe as truth against my life. I will not ignore the Christian condemnation of what I am. Especially when they use it in the court of law to try and keep my rights from me. How am I to ignore what it constantly thrown in my face?

    @ Randy I do understand the recipe to make 2 Gods into one and why such a recipe was needed to give the Christian religion validity, it does not mean I have to ingest the kool aid that recipe creates.



    "What will you say then"
    I never feared you like the Christians do.



    Actually I was speaking of lesser minded people during Jesus's time. I tried to refrain for using the word ignorant as most of them were. They were uneducated and rarely did they think for themselves as they were so use to being led by their government and religion.


    Colleen, you say lesser minded people are Christians because they have faith in the Holy Trinity. Some of the smartest people who have ever lived were Christians. Some of the smartest people who ever lived have been Athiests as well, or of some other faith. You represent yourself as a bigot because of the way you label people. Believe what you want and I will not judge you. God will judge you but I regress. People say religions make people kill each other. That is a lie. People make people kill people, People corrupt people, People corrupt whats good in life and cling to the bad. You?

    Headless Man

    The STEAM, ICE and WATER is a nice way to explain the trinity to non believers. GOD in three-forms, is that so hard to understand.

    Headless Man

    <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a>, true you don't. Good luck in life hope you have a great one.


    I dont think us Christians are 'lesser minded people' because we believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. I am sure you believe in STEAM, ICE and WATER. They are all the same thing in differant forms


    Colleen. I dont understand why you are and sound angry. If you dont believe why dont you ignore what we say. You will meet God some day and it wont matter then what we have said. It will be you and God. What will you say then

    Yes, 11 months later (2/25/2012) this question hits the rotation and I think it's from Headless Man.  Answer to the question:  YES,  I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  I believe the words in the Holy Bible.  

    All I can say Colleen is happy Soul Travel:



    Does it make you happy to needle me? You cry baby that I won't share with you then when I do share, this is what you do? Grow up. Go read up on Soul traveling if you wish to know about it. Millions have shared their experiences. There are many websites that cover it.
    Headless Man

    Just wishing you well, I have checked out some web sites, thats where I got the photo.

    Did you know your own Paul spoke of Soul travel and the fact that he Soul traveled to different levels of heaven? Read his letters. Will you take him on his word or ask for proof like you asked me. I will use your Paul as my proof that Soul travel is possible.
    Headless Man

    God dealt directly with Paul through visions but Paul never denied Jesus did he?
    Acts 19:11
    God did extraordinary miracles through Paul.

    Give me a verse and chapter to back up your claim that Paul did soul travel.

    2 Corinthians 12
    Paul’s Vision and His Thorn
    1 I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— 4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell. 5 I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.

    It's clear that Paul acknowledges that Soul can leave the body and return to the body. He states he does not know if this man Soul traveled or had a vision. Yet ends the passage with, he will boast of this man's experience but will not boast of his own. He either fears admitting that he could Soul travel or he is the man in the story and he knows he Soul traveled as the only way to be "caught up to the third heaven" is to travel there out of body. This is not a vision or a dream. The third heaven exists and he saw and was there. Now I know you will hop all over the words "vision" and "do not know" and "God knows" but back then Soul travel was not widely accepted. How could he admit to it really?

    Yes, Yes and yes, more everyday, thanks to Colleen who makes me study more than I would.


    I thank you too for reminding me how restricting your religion is. I made a good choice by walking away from that faith. :)

    Shouldn't you be studying your bible daily anyway and not only when you're trying to prove a person's beliefs wrong? Seems rather shallow to only study your religion for the point of arguing.
    Headless Man

    I try to read daily, sometimes I can't but am on tract to read it through this year.
    Then you make me look up different verses and study more and ask questions of people more educated than myself.
    Then I read other online sites.
    Can you refer me to another link to read?

    See your pastor or evangelist or whatever is leading your way. I'm sure they have plenty of fodder for you. It's their responsibility to tend the flock not mine.

    Please keep answering this and other questians. This is not a Christian site but there are many Christians on here. Also many non Christian. Open to all


    Said by the mostly inactive Christian member. When one person pulls up too many religious questions at once and floods the answer page with only religious questions, I step in to stop the flooding. As you say, there are many non Christian members here and they get thoroughly annoyed with months old religious questions flooding the page. This is their site too and they need to be comfortable here also. Why surface after months of sparse activity to try and stand against a moderator?

    For a start I am not inactive. As usual you start a comment with a low remark. Why could you not simply answer without the first line. You say I surface after sparse activity. I can remember a time when you went off for a time. Am I not free to use this site as much or as little as I feel the need.

    Why surface after months of sparse activity to try and stand against a moderator?

    Are you saying its only the top people with lots of TU get to complain.

    YOU said it.
    This is NOT a Christian site,there are plenty out there.

    Yes Randy. Your always on the right track

    No, not in any way whatsoever! its time people grew up and stopped believing these old fairy tales!
    anyone who basis their entire way of living based on a 2000 year old social control system definitely has issues!

    if the USA had allowed pure science and evolution to be taught in schools from the early 1920s (it was banned by the federal court system as they didn't understand, even though the rest of the world understood perfectly) and only started creeping back into the curriculum in the late 60s early 70s) maybe the states would be in a far better place right now.

    you cannot reason or discuss anything with people who's only answer is "goddidit"! blind faith is just that. Blind!!




    Come now grit, f.i.d. believes someone could walk on water. Isn't that enough? : )

    Grit Savage

    you call that an example of evolution? oh deary me!!

    I would suggest doing some intensive studying on evolution and general science before you make a fool of yourself again.

    blind faith really does make you blind to everything else doesn't it!

    poor little you :-)

    Grit Savage

    <a href="/users/2659/tami1228/">@tami</a>, what are you implying?


    More like your soul after death will be like a sci fi book,like a cloud of fire.It will be to late then.


    So you think we came from a spec of dust which became life. Hit your watch with a hammer, put in a bag and shake, open the bag and throw all the bits up in the air. Perhaps it will all come together and start ticking again. SOME CHANCE. You think we are stupid


    Come on now. If I am so stupid then tell me in simple terms. Go to the very start and explain how this all came about. You all say I need to study. So show us what you know. I have been on this site for a while now and not one of you unbelivers have explained how and what all this started with. Lets see if you can do it

    And who are you oh mighty one, to make such a demand? LOL

    No, but I also don't believe humans are the highest power either. T.U for Agnostics :)

    No God, Gods, but there is a Goddess -- my wife! No, you may not see her or have her. She is mine!!!! All mine!!!! HA!

    yes ,i am sure there are god like beings around this big old universe .no i dont worship them , why sould i. to a cockroach we probebly seem like gods ,but i dont expect them to worship me



    Neither do I,however I do believe his word his truth, in Jesus Christ,and I can assure you it's no fairy tale.

    Did you know that the Christian story is one of the oldest on the planet. Contrary to popular belief, if one does his/her research you would learn that the three kings following the star in the east, the virgin birth on December 25 and all of the other attributes that make up the Jesus story are all pulled out of an ancient Egyptian pagan religion that dates back over 3000 years b.c. The Egyptians used to worship their sun god Horus, who was born on December 25 by the Virgin Davaki and so on. This story has all of the same attributes as the Jesus story only written 3000 years earlier, and it’s not the only one. At the same time developing societies everywhere were using this story, the only thing changing was the name of their God and the virgin who gave birth. I urge you to look into this. You'll find a whole world of truth about religion and you should conclude that all religions derive from astrotheology and most of the stories you read in a bible are stories about our solar cycles anthropomorphized and personified into what we know today as the constellations.

    So my answer is no.

    No. I have an education.

    Grit Savage

    blind faith is simple! science is not! go and read up on stuff before dismissing a non believer! we know your book! try reading some of ours.

    Headless Man

    An education, well tell us how it all began, if not creation.


    randy Palmer....I have also tried to get an answer to this questian.

    Christians, Buddhists, Hare Krishnas, Muslims, even Pagans believe in "a God!" We, all of us, are spiritual creatures. We feel the presence of the spiritual realm in one way or the other. Why are there so many billions of people in the world who believe in "a God?" Because God exists. Even the Athiests feel the tug. They are spiritual in their disbelief. Do I believe in God? YES!! Which God is the right one. Who knows? I believe in the God of Christianity. You may believe in the Pagan Gods,Buddha,etc. I'm committed to my belief because God is everywhere and in everyone. He provides for everyone everywhere. Millions of people have seen some kind of the spiritual realm. Many have a 6th sense that allows them access to it. Miracles have occured that can only be defined as spiritual in nature. Yea, God exists. Believe, dont believe. Life is all about choice. Choose to or choose not to. But choose. Then hope, or for most, pray that you've made the right choice.

    ""Sure do...otherwise how do I get a chance to burn holy rollers in hell?

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