    What about people who move next to bars then try to get them shut down?

    +4  Views: 668 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    I was away for a while and -wow great comments everyone; didn't
    expect to come back to so many responses. A few blocks away from
    me the opposite is happening: a bar is moving into a neighborhood
    that doesn't want it. Everyone here is anxious to be the first to
    call in a complaint the minute it opens for business. The bar
    owners are shady people who got around zoning laws somehow and
    ignore the fact that we don't don't want drunks wandering around
    our quiet street at 2 AM. I've been so annoyed with people who
    move to the action and complain about it I found it interesting
    the way the tables were turned in my situation.

    8 Answers

    If I moved in next door to a bar, it would be so I could rent  bedrooms for evening clients, like an impromptu Bed & Breakfast crash pad. I think I’ve become a male version of “Pollyanna”.


    ha ha. ha ha ha. ha ha ha. (don't think so, robert grist)

    You free-enterprising capitalist exploiter, you.

    That's no difference to people moving/ building homes next to an airport then protesting to have the airport re- located, this is happening now to the Adelaide Airport in Sth Austalia, its the same as the bar, they think by moving next to one they have the right to shut it down.


    We have a similar thing here in San Jose CA, There's 9 airports within 50 miles of each other here, 3 are international, 2 are military and 4 are private. These airports have operated here since before WW2, housing and business have built up around them so now they have a noise curfew. It's amazing how quiet these commercial airliners can be when they have the noise sensors pointed at them.. When I fly in at night, its scary, they throttle down the engines, go full flaps and you think you are gunna fall out of the sky.. So far, there haven't been any accidents but with 9 airports and all this 'sneaking' around it's bound to happen sooner or later..

    they saw what they were getting when they moved there. they should not have moved there unless they liked it like that. big dummies

    Yes they do that.. When I was in the restaurant biz we had a church that moved in approx. 100 yards from us, they tried like hell to get us closed down because we sold alcohol. They would have won to if it weren't for the fact that over 51% of our biz was food service.



    You know, I was going to say "impossible. that wouldn't happen," and then I read yours! I'm glad your establishment was saved.

    There's a technical term for such people. S**t disturbers.

    "I was here first", said the indian to the pilgrim. We all know what happened. Considering this fact, the newsy apparently seeks to take power from those who they have little or no respect for. They are the “outsider” among the privileged few first-ers. Pilgrims are the “righteous” driven from hell by heathens only to arrive among the undeserving-disrespectable-arrogrant-backward-stayed servants of hell in their new abode. Some folk just can’t be satisfied with anything because their environment does not reflect them or the people around them. This chronic condition is typical of not knowing what pains you. Everything is to blame and change is called for constantly to fix the problem that is not the real problem infinitely. My granddad called those folk Hellions. Yup.   

    " I've shut down many ah saloon,on many ah nights!"

    So, if you have a grudge against someone & & they have had a busines for a long time, but you don't like them, can you buy the first & nearest property that comes on the market ( or even cox a neighbour of his / hers to sell ). You buy it & try to shut down his business, then possibly buzz off if you manage it

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