    Why do rich people think poor people are poor because they don't work hard ?

    I am poor but I work my butt off, if I worked even harder I would'nt be one jot richer.

    +3  Views: 1201 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I also believe opportunity has a lot to do with the level of success a person achieves, being in the right place at the right time combined with hard work. Otherwise a person can work hard, but seemingly never get a foothold to climb beyond where they are. There are also other factors such as having a plan and vision for where you want to go in life, but sometimes fate or luck can turn those upside down, and things become insurmountable.

    "One does not need to work (hard), if only one can work (smart)!"  "Panda's philosophy."


    PAnda is 'smart'!!

    "Losers quit when they are tired.  Winners quit when they have won."

    Seems like ordinary people use motivation to try to achieve something.  Motivation is good only for the short term and it seldom lasts. 

    Successful people don't get motivated; they get inspired.



    Where do you get this idea??  First off, define rich??  I hve never heard this before.  You work your butt off and say you are poor??  i doubt that, You have some form of computer, you have a job, you must have a roof over your head and have decent clothes and food to eat, I hardly think you are poor by virtue of even being here. A poor person has nothing, obviously not what you have. You may not be rich but you're not poor.

    take a good look at a poor person, they aren't working, many don't want to work, they prefer their lifestyle of gaining from the working class.  many poor people would like to work but haven't skills perhaps because they are mentally challenged.

    Settle back and count your blessings and don't condemn the rich because they found success, you could do the same, maybe  your don't work hard enough. 

    That's a pretty all-inclusive, biased statement. 

    Some rich people are not so bad. Others expect everyone to be rich. Some rich people are not so happy and they are seemingly mean at heart.

    If it wasn't for the hard workers that produced products.. the rich would be nothing. I have seen rich people that really aren't that intelligent. It amazes me. Some give up quite a bit to further their carriers. Such as their kids and their wives.

    Money doesn't make a person.. it just makes it a little easier on the person.

    Thank you for answer. I have heard this on the media, millionaires being interviewed saying they

    worked hard and that anyone could be like them if they work hard and poor people are all feckless

    and work shy. I don't think that a refuse collector will ever become a millionaire if he empties more bins. He will just become more tired. I worked hard as an engineer and took promotion but the added responsibility caused me illnes through increase in stress caused by constant anxiety about the job. I had to take a less stressful job for my healths sake.

    My computer is a hand me down from my son, my home is rented, and I've never been able to buy a motor car. My father was a builder he worked hard all his life , came home tired and worn out and retired on a meagre pension.  I'm sick of hearing about Pop stars holidaying in the Bahamas and owning several homes. I don't think they worked hard I think they just got lucky

    some of them are honest enough to admit it .    Ron.



    When I was a kid in Jr. High school, I was a problem child.. I remember once in the principle's office he said to me...
    "ten years from today will I look out my front door and see you drive by in a new Cadillac or will i look out my back door and see you drive by in a garbage truck...?"

    I answered back:
    'Sir, in the morning look out back, I will drive by in that garbage truck, then at night look out your front door and you'll see me driving by in my new cadillac..."
    I wasn't far from the truth on that. Time has changed many things, there is no need to be poor anymore if a person wants to achieve success and wealth. Unfortunately, the world is not fair, there are many that reach wealth that have no business being there and some that are poor have every reason to be wealthy, but life is not fair. You should not look at other people's wealth and piss and moan that you didn't have a chance, you have had the chance and the chance is there and opportunity awaits but not forever. It will not come to you, you must go to it. You are sad that you don't have it all and you think you deserve it.. Not true, nobody deserves it, they work for it but as panda said, they 'work smart..' maybe you should try your own business, nobody gets rich making other people rich, you gotta do it on your own, everyone has a talent, put that talent to work.. make that work.. Find what you like and you will never work another day in your life...

    It is not a saying that covers everybody,,however when i worked at a coles warehouse.the hardest workers were the pickers,they were also the least payed..the system has been broken for a long time,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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