    do you need to have a warranty on basement waterproofing?

    +2  Views: 676 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    oh yes definitly in the UK and you have to have planning pemission and building inspectors to rectify all the work and in the UK its called Tanking

    Yes also in the UK a warranty would be obtained for the work. Also when selling your house a prospective buyer wii often ask if the work was done under warranty.

    Most companies that had confidence in their work and products used would offer a warranty. One thing that is most important regarding waterproofing your basement is determining whether or not you have proper drainage around the outside of the basement, Water needs a place to go, otherwise it creates problems. This is something you might want to keep in mind, as foundations are known for shifting and developing cracks. If you have good drainage and waterproofing you eliminate the problem for the most part. But, proper roof drainage and ground water levels should always be taken into consideration also. Each piece of property is not the same.

    You would need it to recoup any money you paid for it if something goes wrong in the future.

         Considering how expensive (and iffy) basement waterprooding is, yes, I would definitely recommend getting a warranty.

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