    Are you involved in a transformation and how are you coping with it? (due to economy,foreclosure,or other unforeseen event)t

    +1  Views: 313 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Earlier this year i was given the news that i had the big C, and have been on Chemotheraphy now for many months. It has of course changed my life in many ways ....... my outlook on life and how so often we complain or worry about the silly things in life. Also my work has taken a backseat to my treatment, although i am still working as and when, and quite rightly so!  It has also proved to me that you have to be strong, not just for yourself, but for your loved ones and the people that really matter in your life and to fight the illness for them also...... How am i coping? Believe it or not fine - because i have to! Sorry but i don't do tea & sympathy. Also it's always good to talk and i must say that akaQA keeps me busy too when i'm on my treatment.     


    Bless you for your answer. Have a friend just starting chemo and she will appreciate hearing this.

    Really sorry Maz that happened to you. Stay positive and you will get positive results. Love and prayers to you.

    Sorry to hear it, but you now see that it is not just a me thing! Yes your comment here on QA tonight proves that there are thousands going though the same thing in life, not just the cancer, but the turn around in their lives. Please pass on my best wishes, and tell her to keep positive thinking. The chemo does effect people differently, but i am going though it well with not too many after effects. Tell her not to worry about her treatment and to take a good book with her lol.

    Thank you Ann for your kind words - yes i am, and always have been, a very positive person & it really pays dividends when the chips seem down. In this world there are always people worse off than ourselves!
    I did laugh Maz but I am glad you did have a drop of the "good stuff" the only thing I would add is as you drink it say" drown you bastard" at each swallow and say it out loud, don`t spill any.
    I think I have told you previously Maz the stand in front of the mirror and tell the cancer to "piss off you don`t want it in your body" Worked for my wife, I asked her last night how she was and she said quite firmly "It is gone I don`t have cancer any more" Her`s hoping.

    Have a wee dram and drown the bastard. Och aye!

    You might laugh i just done exactly what you said!

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