    Why don't the top universities in USA join together to build regional vocational schools for the rest of young people out there?. They would learn a respectible trade.

    +3  Views: 524 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good Question Producer lol

    5 Answers

    That I think would make sense.Not everyone can afford to go to college.


    The endowments that top universities hold in assets is in the billions. Harvard and Yale probably alone are staggering. With the baby boomers passing away leaving huge amounts to higher education institutions it would be constructive if a program could be set up to fund this need. Your right about the cost is too much for alot of people who would like to be doing something purposeful with their lives. Young people need opportunity and continued education support etc to reach their potential. Its time higher education stepped up to the plate and contribute their abilities to this segment of the population. They have the money,the people and the knowledge. USA needs people than can fix things,build things and we need to change to a healthy future. Just an idea.... Thanks for your vote and interest.

    The endowments that top universities hold in assets is in the billions. Harvard and Yale probably alone are staggering. With the baby boomers passing away leaving huge amounts to higher education institutions it would be constructive if a program could be set up to fund this need. Your right about the cost is too much for alot of people who would like to be doing something purposeful with their lives. Young people need opportunity and continued education support etc to reach their potential. Its time higher education stepped up to the plate and contribute their abilities to this segment of the population. They have the money,the people and the knowledge. USA needs people than can fix things,build things and we need to change to a healthy future. Just an idea.... Thanks for your vote and interest.

    A university teaches knowledge and a vocational school teaches skills. There are jobs that use skills that pay well. They are usually hourly rates and pay time and a half for  over time or working more than 8 hours a day. . Someone who attends a university usually has a monthly salary.

    This generation of young people don't want to get there fingers dirty. Vocational school teach trades that require getting dirt under the nails. Young people today are all mouth and no substance. They'd rather sit a cubicle with a tie on and play on a computer making s**t money than learning a trade that makes real money for real work. My plumber buddy charges $90 for a visit than he gets $125 per hour.


    Is this because their parents didn't instill good values like hard work and self esteem?This country needs people that can fix,build or operate stuff. Skills impress me more than knowledge. There's a limit on what you can learn on line then you need to get hands on experience. I just paid $90.00 for a 20min visit from my plumber!
    ed shank

    Parents have to take the blame on this. I hear you loud and clear. Tradespeople rule.

    Vocational education should be a part of High School.  We need people with skills and trades.

    Not everone needs to take algebra, geometry, trig etc.

    I believe it would help the drop out rate if young people were able to do things they were interested in.

    The Baby Boomers are retiring not dying. It is their parents that are that age.  The tuition of a trade school and/or beauty school is expensive. The USA is still the land of opportunity. Anyone that wants to work can go to tech school or college. The concern is a healthy respect of others and developing outstanding skills.   Retired Baby Boomer who was a vocational teacher.

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