    What change in your Life are you resisting and why?

    +1  Views: 774 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I am not resisting any change......i say bring it on.

    i'm resisting the true will of god only cause i'm caught in the flesh.


    daren1, don't resist the will of God. Man is flesh, that's why he gave his only Son, so we can have forgiveness for resisting His will.

    please don't get me wrong i am a beleiver in christ i just need to grow more in truth and spirit

    I am a single parent of two extremely lazy uncaring teen boys. I know their behavior is normal to some standards but they are exhausting the life out of me. I have a business in my home and work up to eleven hours trying to make ends meet. My kids do nothing here at all to help. I am constantly taking dishes out of their rooms, cleaning up the kitchen after they eat, flushing and wiping the toilet seat, picking up clothes and towels, taking care of the yard and grass. They literally do nothing around here. I have created this problem through the lack of desire to live in constant conflict. I hate even hearing myself nag so I have sucked it up and done everything here myself as well as working with my clients through all this. I would like to change the situation and make them pick up and take care of their things...Am I dreaming here?


    Sounds like you need to have family counsel with a professional in teen behavior and slowly
    change things. I know it won't be easy and there's going to be high emotions and decisions that can be tough to implement but just do it. Good Luck. I was there once and what worked for me might not be the right advice! I interviewed six therapists beoe hiring one!

    Suggest you get some Tough Love counseling.
    Leave their dirty dishes, clothes and towels in their room, leave the kitchen dirty, quit cooking for them, leave the toilet a mess.
    You did not mention their ages.
    Do your clients come into your home?
    Do your boys work? Go to School?
    As long as you allow the behavior without consequences it will continue. Quit buying groceries for them unless they are underage.
    Good Luck
    Ask yourself: Am I a victim or a volunteer?

    I'm still trying to resist enabling my 30 year old Daughter by sending her money.  But I don't know how because she is homeless, pregnant, and has a 2 year old.  I know I need to quit, but I can't eat or sleep knowing she and my grandson might not have a roof over their head and at least my money can get them a room in a boarding house.


    Gosh Yvonne57,that sounds very sad for you,my daughter was heading that way too with the destruction of alcohol,i had to step in and take custody of my 2yr old grandson who is now 7,i needed peace of mind that he was getting looked after.Lucky i did because my daughter is still in the grip of her alcoholism.Very sad to watch.

    Nobody can judge your reaction to your daughters situation unless they have walked a mile in your shoes. I am so sad to hear that this is the way she has chosen to live her life. I pray my boys don't end up making similar choices in their lives. My heart goes out to you.

    I am a 60 year old widow who has worked for the same company for 35 years. I have total assets of about 3/4 of a million dollars if I sell everything I own. I so want to retire so that I can travel before it is to late. My husband died 2 years ago at age 61. He was not particularly sick and 3 hours later he was dead. So I am aware that life is short. What I am afraid of is that I will run out of money before I  die. My children have already recieved their inheritance so I am not worried about saving it I just want to make it to the end with out haveing them support me.


    Will you have Social Security Coming in? You need to invest and start living off the interest of your investments.

    I hope you see my comment under this question but was posted as a answer.

    i am resisting turning to God... Dont know way.. .that was the only time in my life I had true peace... I think i dont want to give up control.. Not that I have any in the first place.


    Jenn, your life will be more fulfilling if you turn to God for all of your needs. All you have to do is ask. You are not giving up control. You are gaining control by letting go to God.

    thank you Yvonne... I lnow all of this... I dont know what my blockage is...

    I would continue to work at your job and get the advice of a trusted financial expert which can suggest investments and solutions that benefit your long term goals. The financial products that

    provide a lifetime of monthly payments might be the answer, Take your time thinking any advice over and don't be afraid to ask questions or seek out competitive products or ideas! Retire when you have all the pieces in place because you won't be able to find a job later!

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