    i am an obese diabetic i need to clean my house but i cant finish a job without sitting down cause im out of energy what can i do to get some energy

    +4  Views: 601 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Exercise, eating properly, and losing weight will help keep your energy level up throughout your day. 

    This is the same problem every diabetic has to face every day of their lives. The most common answer will be - you have to lose weight. To do that you must learn to manage your food intake, this takes time and a lot of hard work. Until then, I hope you will continue to try and stay busy, keep moving as much as possible because it will pay off in the end. Exercise is one of the keys to staying healthier when you have diabetes. I know this because my husband was diagnosed with Type II diabetes the year before we got married (15 years ago) and he has struggled with it ever since. Good luck to you.


    6 dogs hasn't voted me up in a while, did I do something to piss you off? If so I apologize, I haven't stopped voting you up and won't keep up the good work.

    wow.........and not at 6dogs answer either.

    So what if you have to sit down? the trick is to keep getting up. If you rest you rust.  If You keep getting up and moving it will get easier. When I started walking I could only do a block at a time. Now I can do 1 1/2 miles in twenty minutes. If you have to stop and rest do so but then get back up! Good luck I know you can do it!

    Great advice here for you may I also add that you need to get involved in a support group or make new friends that may be willing to help you. Exercise will be a great thing to add and it always helps, but make sue your doctor says it's o.k. before you start. Get involved in the lives of other people and they will be involved with you, hope this helps.

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