    I have been looking for questions to Answer and have noticed there are lot of names begining with User then with7 numbers added is thid the same person ?

    +3  Views: 566 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    It's something new the owners of the site are trying. These are people who fill in an ask a question box that's on some web pages out there. It's just like the square one on the right side of this forum  above Top Contributors -------->

    They do not need to create an account. They just type a question in the box and send. I'm not sure where they get their answer though.

    country bumpkin

    Coleen, This is the same thing that happend to me when I could not get to this site the same old way I had been day after day. All I could see was a box to ask a question and then I could review the response you gave but never could I see any other questions are comments etc.

    Hmmm. Where could you review it? Did you get an alert or anything like the notifications button?
    country bumpkin

    Yes, I think it just said ,"your question has been answerd".Then it gave me a button to click to read the response. When you would post an answer or if Randy or Leeroy responded to you, I could also see what they wrote.

    So unless you come back to the site, you'd never know you got an answer. I think these people who use the ask a question box on other web pages think it's a chat box and expect someone to be right there to answer them. That's why so many more questions are repeated 4 or 5 times in a row. OK..that's also why if they don't get answered right as away, they never comeback because they must figure the "chat box" doesn't work.

    thank you Colleen

    i noticed that as well are the kids just getting lazy or uncreative who knows?


    yea your right they are probely kids and as you said uncreative in names thanks for the answer Darin1

    Could be spys...checking up on us. lol


    now dont laugh many a thing said in fun has come true eerriiee an spookii

    I have noticed that also,they seem to be new members but dont have a name attached just a number.


    Oh pythonlover I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed this thought I was going mad for a moment! its proberly a little gang of them! what do you think or could it be Ailians !who knows thanks for for the answer

    Maybe the aliens are seeking certain responses. Like they're checking for all members who say "strawberry" or "wheat" or "sex" If that word is mentioned, they tick it off. after they get to five, off goes the member in the flying teacup or the silver spoon. that's why some people are not seen. colleen is one who returns. Maybe she's the copilot?


    oh itsmee that was really funnie good one thanks for that

    Copilot?? Heck I'm the Pilot! Eggie is the Co-pilot, lol :D

    Here in America i FEAR that if things keep going the way they are we  will all be required to give up our personal names and take a number.  It's getting that way..


    yea Vinny I know what you mean it is getting like this hare UK thanks for your imput lol

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