    How often should rental properties be painted and is it the tenants responsibility to pay for the painting

    +2  Views: 1131 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    this should have been put in contract and normally if you paint the Interior and pay for the paint ect you would get a weeks free rent and NO you are no responsable for painting the Interior only if you are leaving and you have left the House/flat/Appartment with walls trashed

    ...hence the phrase in the rental agreemnt "normal wear and tear excepted."

    thanks Chiangmai

    I would like to add too that, in commercial/industrial rental properties, the responsibility of the cost of interior painting is spelled out exactly in the lease and, more often than people realize, is borne by the the tenant as these spaces get delivered in a "shell" basis.

    It's the tenants responsibility only if they have as melandrupert say "trashed the walls."  Normally I think painting should be done every 4 years.  Trashed walls or not. 

    As a renter, I think it should be painted before leasing if it hasn't been painted in several years.  Just to give the place that fresh, new look we all enjoy.


    I try to paint mine once every 2 years. This makes the house very eye-appealing and you get higher rents as well.

    In my home state of California,in regards to paint and carpet,normal wear in tear is not the responsibility of the tenants, a lot of owners that I have rented from paint in between each tenant,the last couple owners I had were kind of on the cheap side and did not gloss the paint,therefore making it harder to wipe the walls and keep the walls well maintained,this makes repainting a much more frequent occurrence.

    In Florida The landlord is responsible for painting or cleaning your carpet when you renew a yearly lease. It's the owners responsibility here. It just depends on the lease agreement that you sign. Most cleaver landlords here have customized leases that leave out this type of maintenance even though it's the law.

    if they pay well take care of them the next one may be a piece of crap

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