    Would you say that political misconduct is at an all-time high or just easier to expose now and it’s always been as bad as it ever was?

    0  Views: 346 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    i think it 's a bit of both, seems like hardly a day goes by where one politician or another is in trouble,weather it be sexual ,misconduct, mis appropiatin of funds, it just seems like they are all dirty.the reason their is more coverage is cause  it's happing all the more, and the papparazzi eats it up. bad news sells the mwdia is going the extra mile just to expose it. which is sad as it is atleast we still got a country (usa)with free press at least for now.

    They are all crooks if you ask me,should see what some of the politicians get up to in Australia.

    Poor politicians have to contend with the 24 hr news cycle and the reporters who fill it. Its a mistake to think anyone can make it into national politics and truly keep their hands clean. On a local level politicians must deal face to face with their constituents on a daily basis so there's a better chance of them behaving but not by much. Constant surveillance might even be causing them behave a little better than in the past.

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