    Is there anyone out there whom cares enough to give a shit about anything at all!!!

    +2  Views: 699 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    Are you having a bad hair day?

    15 Answers

    Yes I give a shit about a lot of things, how about you?
    Do you give a shit you used whom instead of who?
    Do you give a shit about adding the words "at all" after the word "anything" when the words "at all" are superfilious to the question and therefore achieve nothing?

    Cheers and good shit giving.
    country bumpkin

    When I'm in need of a good laugh, all I have to do is look for a comment from PEOPLELOVER.

    I care about a lot of things. Is this about any one thing in particular?

    has harry got a new name?This sounds like a harry question.:)


    No, it's not harry

    If you want my chicken sh** you can have it.

    …”about anything at all!!!” my roses could use some fertilizer. 

    I don't give shit to anyone ,I have to sell  it so the sebtic tank get empty So if you want my shit it free for the taking.

    Ummmm......Bad day??

    their are some that care unfortunitly most about themselvs

    I talked it over with my wife and kids, the neighbors came over too, we discussed it at great length and we have all come to the conclusion you're right, we don't give a shit..


    next question??


    Too funny!!

    I care you can talk to me I honestly do care and am sorry for your pain.


    I care, do you......

    My friend, a scatologist, truly gives a shit: human shit, dog shit, your shit, etc.  I could recommend you to his class if you're interested.   Do you feel like shit today? 

    Right now the world could blow up and I wouldn't give a shit.

    I saw a very old man sitting on a bench in front of my grocery store. I wanted to ask him what he wanted (a cold drink? a dollar?) But at that time a beautiful and strong hispanic woman came by me with her FIVE children (Ages  8, 6, 4. 3. and  two.) I asked her if she wanted a ride home after she got her groceries. She said the kids were used to the one mile walk.  (two when she goes back) And then she looked over at my little Honda and kinda laughed.  I praised her control of the children and their strength and beauty of their mother  t(They were ALL girls) I went in the store and got a cold drink for the man. It was really hot,

    When we look around we can feel blessed. Really. There's a question on here somewhere. I think I've got my answer. (It's about the lottery)

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