    People say lions are the kings of the animals the strongest so why do tigers kill lions like a frog kills flys

    I think its because the people are stupid and can't see lions are useless

    +1  Views: 665 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Interesting question, thumbs up. I didn't know that tigers had froglike tongue's.Lol

    11 Answers

    "A-Typical Male" slumbers while his female is out hunting for food for the family...and when she returns he wants to hump her...(sic)


    well ye all men get the cash and the women go shops (hunting)for food and stuff and then the man wonts the women to hump him its normal i wont my gf to hump me too lolz

    The Lion is the king in Africa and the Tiger is the king in Asia. The purpose of the lion is to protect the pride and propagate the species. All the documentaries i have seen ,never has a Lion come in contact with a Tiger.

    i guessed you missed georgraphy class ,tigers live in asia and lions live in africa, frogs live in ponds flies live everywhere.


    Wild lions currently exist in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia so they could easily be caught by an Asian tiger.

    A tiger can catch a lion just like a frog can catch a fly.


    ye then kill it and the tiger gets no credit for owning the king

    Tiger needs no credit - he is full, happy, and thankful for his lion.
    Deathboy I strongly suggest you go back on you medication and if you have in fact not stopped taking your medication get to your doctor yesteday and tell him/her they are not working.While you are waiting for the meds to be made up buy a copy of "Spelling for Dummies"

    But two pit bulls can kill one tiger. How about that revelation?

    well look at these """" do these look like the tigers weak?

    Nop Tigers and lions live toghther in the zoo and africa and aisa

    TIGERS and LIONS are in some places toghther

    but tigers are stronger then lions


    So..Again, when has a tiger killed a lion? What proof do you have that it ever occured?

    When has a tiger killed a lion?


    When the tiger caught him. Tigers run faster and longer than a lion.

    Tigers and lions are continents apart.

    when has a tiger killed a lion 1900-2011 mabe depending when lions and tigers lived

    Tiger > lion         Frog > fly       Man > women       

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