    Why do people lie?

    0  Views: 887 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Different kinds of lies and liars, some people lie because they don't lead a straight life, so they lie about things to keep them out of trouble. The end result is that they will always get caught in the end, sometimes people around them just don't confront them in fear of violence.

    Other people lie because they feel their lives are boring so they need to spice it up with lies about who they know, where they been, what they did.. This is the habitual liar.. 'Story tellers' These liars think that these lies will make them look cool to their friends.. These liars also get to a point where they actually believe their own lies, you can't confront them because they will stand by it at all costs..

    And there's little 'white lies'-- Lies that don't hurt anybody and are fun lies or lies to make a person feel better.. "is my butt too big in this dress?" No man likes to answer this question so he says, uh..well no, you look fine.." Of course under his breath he says, 'yeah, you look like a fatass". <---white lie..

    To avoid the truth
    Some people lie because a lie sounds better or makes them look better than the truth.
    The answers on this question show there is more than one reason for people to lie.
    The truth won't get them laid
    The truth can be very ugly at times. Nobody wants to be ugly.
    Some people lie in order to get own way or it is something they want, by any means necessary.
    ever heard hoestly if i were tell you the truth i wouldn't have to remember anything....well liars have to remember all the lies they told and to who each person theyn told it to and that's alot to remember.....liars can't enjoy the comfort of being able to forget
    No morals and they are one of the people that don't believe the bible. So if they get away with a lie they think there ahead until the lies catch up to then.

    Holy Hannah Randy, Christians lie too. This bible shenanigans needs to stop.
    Headless Man

    No body said that so called christians don't lie but real christians don't, I haven't and won't. There's nothing dishonest about the Bible, and it won't stop. Love, Randy

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