    Are there things that you disliked(hated) as a child but as an adult you like(love) ?

    like, dislike, turnaround

    +9  Views: 1279 Answers: 30 Posted: 12 years ago

    Spacey.. Everyone has started calling you Spacey.. I feel less special... :(............. ;)

    You know you are VERY SPECIAL to me, starting immediately, You are the ONLY one to call me Spacey. Pam usually calls me Ghost. Mel you can call me S.G. I love you all.

    Let's see Jenn,S.P.A.C.E G.H.O.S.T..Nope it's gunna be Spacy for me.

    We all love you too, Ghost!!!

    Thanks sweetheart, that MADE my day, really.

    Oh spacey I love that name I refuse to call you anything but spacey I will stamp my feet and and have tantrum if I have to start calling you S G no I wont have have it you will have to be called SPACECHOPS is that ok !!! luv ya mel he he he

    You can call me whatever you like, you sweet lady. Don't have any tantrums now lol. Love ya.

    30 Answers

    Going to bed. Funny that when you are young you wan't to stay up as long as possible, then as you get older and working you look forward to your bed. 



    I thought it'd be just the reverse, Maz.

    Potatos! I hated them as a child yet was forced to eat them. I'd gag, I'd even vomit sometimes. I vowed I'd never eat a potato as an adult. Then came the day a few years ago when I was invited to dinner at a friend's house. We were raised to eat everything offered when we ate another's house. Of course, potatos were served. I took a small one to show my appreciation for the meal and found that, I liked it! I actually liked it. It was a califonia gold. It had a sweet taste. So, I went and bought a few. Then I tried red potatos again and liked those. Now I eat potatos a few times a week. I can even eat broccoli now and I hated that as a child too.


    Hello Colleen, I used to gag at the smell of hog chitterlings cooking, man I use to hate them, but now I'll even help clean them, and I love to eat them now. Thank you for the info.

    vegetables (in general) hated most of them as a kid and love them now. I remember sitting in front a plate of peas for an hour until my Mom gave up on my eating them, now they'd be gone in a heartbeat.


    That's the way I was with greens, I WOULD NOT eat them, would rather get a whipping, sometimes I did. Thank you so much 6dogs4us for your input.

    Math, hated  as a child but love now.  Hog chitterling, spinach, greens, I disliked as a child but like now.



    Try some, you might like !!!



    I know the feeling, thanks so much dwayne for your comment.
    My mom listened to country music every darn day and I hated it. But now I have an appreciation for the old country music/artists such as: George Jones
    Tammy Wynette
    Johnny Cash
    Waylon Jennings
    Merle Haggard
    Conway Twitty
    And the list goes on and on and on. I am not just a country music fan though, My favorite hard rock group is ACDC and I love the Bee Gees, Andy Gibb, John Denver, Elvis Presley, and Eminem. Yes, I do realize half of these are no longer among the living.

    But their music lives on forever. :-)

    The sweet smell of perfume...ummmmmmm yeah! :-)


    omit this answer.
    Disliked broccoli, brussel sprouts, and sweet peas, then, love them now.

    Hello friend, I used to hate brussel sprouts too, but I love them now.

    Good for you my friend. I like to call brussel sprouts, little minature cabbage.

    Same here! Now also love them!!!

    I love those little cabbages too.

    After seen a chicken lay an egg, I did not want to eat an egg after that you could beat the shit out of me I still wouldn't eat it.Now I eat them.


    Seeing a chicken lay an egg is gross. I'm glad you got over it, thank you so much for the info.

    I wasn't kidding I wasn't going to eat it,but I'm over it now Thank You Spaceghost for ans..
    As a child I hated being told what to do, as an adult I like the freedom.

    I know exactly what you mean :)

    AMEN !!! I totally agree with that. Thanks Bevs for the info.
    Mine would be mushrooms

    Mushrooms packed with anti-oxidants, I love them. :-)

    I love tomatoes... Bath time... and myself. Glad I changed my mind on a couple of those things.


    Especially yourself, Jenn you know you've got to love yourself, I'm hoping that's one of the couple that you changed your mind about. I LOVE you.

    Sorry Jenn, my laptop was working up on me. I meant to give you TU. Did you get it?

    I got a couple of TU and a td.. But I am not a karma ho.. LOL.. Thanks babe!

    Yeah Veggies, especially sauerkraut but, I still can't do milk, cheese, tea/coffee.


    I tried sauerkraut for the first time a month ago on a hot dog, man that was GOOD. Are you lactose intolerant? Thanks dad59 for your input.

    Spaceghost, no just don't like and see how even my children can eat/drink that stuff to me it's gross.




    O my, You used to dislike pizza? that's very rare. Thank you so much FreedomFighter for the info.

    Pizza looked to me like someone barfed on a pan.
    As a child I dislike history and the news, now I enjoy both.

    Thank you Cool Rockies, I used to HATE math, but now I LOVE math, doing formulas and equations. Appreciate the info.

    As a kid I had to work everyday on the farm we lived after the war and walk barefoot all summer. At least now I have shoes to wear and have my own "animal farm"


    Ann ,I'm so happy for you that things turned out okay for you, thank you so much.

    The Scent of a Woman!


    The sweet smell of perfume...ummmmmmm yeah! :-)

    sssshhhhhh. Not too loud, Pamela. I don't want my wife to hear it. :)

    My lips are sealed. lol! BTW, are you hiding sometime?

    What do you mean by hiding sometime?

    It was a joke, as in hiding something from your wife.

    I keep no secrets from her. My wife knows everything about me, hence, the dog house.

    Serve your time well. lol!

    Spending time with my parents.


    That's so beautiful. :-)

    That is WONDERFUL !! Thank you so much ed.
    ed shank

    Today it's singular, Parent. My father died this morning.

    I hated Sunday because I was made to go to Church. Now I love sunday because I go to Church.


    Very good. Thanks friendindeed for your input.

    Very strange also that when you are kids boys "hate" girls and visa visa! ... Life is complex. 


    Now that we are adult's it's still the same. Can't live with them, and Can't live without them...Life is complex. :-)

    True !!!!
    Here's how to answer a question with a question Spacey.
    Explain "Chiterlings".
    I asked about them in 2 restuaunts,in New Orleans & San Antonio & they looked at me like I was a serial killer or something.The Beverly Hillbillies used to talk about them all the time & I always wondered what they were.

    Just like Ghost, your finger got stuck too. lol!

    "The small intestines of a pig, you should try (tripas de leche),fryed in an iron skillet with (Tabasco) sauce & served with re-fried beans,Spanish rice, corn tortilla,lime & coffee or cervaza on the side. "We do it-up (right)!"

    "(GAL'S)" "Now, I cain't get my fill!"

    As a child I loved pig's feet, butter milk, and a table spoon of my alcoholic Dad's sherry. I also loved loved liver and onions

    When I grew up I no longer liked these things. I must have been crazy little kid.

    I got this question wrong. Oh well, not the first time. : ) It was fun reading, Space Ghost


    Thank you so much itsmee,we enjoyed the info that you shared with us.
    Hey Tommy get back to the doctor quick smart, I think you have developed muliple personalies. you asked the same question umpteen times.

    If you hear voices for f#%*(^$ sake don`t answer.

    I know,I know,I know.I keep hitting the post answer button & everytime I get the eror message I hit it again.I have now realized the mistake I am making.(Good way to make a point tho).:)
    Here's how to answer a question with a question Spacey.
    Explain "Chiterlings".
    I asked about them in 2 restuaunts,in New Orleans & San Antonio & they looked at me like I was a serial killer or something.The Beverly Hillbillies used to talk about them all the time & I always wondered what they were.

    Hey Tommyh, I'm going to explain what chitterlings are to the best of my knowledge. Chitterlings are the hogs intestines, when you kill hogs you thoroughly clean the hogs intestines, you wash and rinse numerous times. I did this maybe twice in my life, my wife is the expert on doing this. Anyway you boil the chitterlings, some people boil and fry them, but I like mine boiled. O yeah when cleaning them it has the most TERRIBLE scent that you have ever smelled. Once cooked they are really good. I think that they are more popular in the South, like from Virginia thru South Carolina, I don't know about Georgia or Florida. The reason they looked at you like a serial killer in New Orleans & San Antonio is because chitterlings are not popular in that part of the country.

    Bloody hell , and I thought Haggis and black pudding was a bit off. Pigs intestines, glad you didn`t find any Tommy, never would have been the same again.
    I thought Asian and Oriental countries had weird diets, yuk.

    Adds a whole new meaning to PIGS` SHIT.

    Amazing really PL.I enjoyed most of the food in the deep south.
    Bet you don't know what REAL hash browns even look like.:)
    Haggis I know all about.My old man was a scotsman.It was always served at Rabbie Burns day get togethers.

    Do you, Space and others also eat MOUNTAIN OYSTERS? This also comes from a hog/pig.

    What's up dad59? No I haven't tried Mountain Oysters, maybe one day. I know people that have eaten them and they said that they were GOOD. Do you think you would try them?

    Asparagus!   Now, I can't get enough! (wrap raw asparagus with bacon and put on the grill 'till bacon is done... YUM!)


    Hey that sounds GOOD, I'm going to give that a try, I love asparagus!!! Thank you for your comment.

    Start it off on the side so the bacon doesn't crisp too fast, then move it over the coals. It is to die for, even cold!

    Thank you so much for that, I'm going to try it, sounds yummy.

    Where are you (CA?)-I'm willing to be your tester...

    Marmalade, getting up early, pancakes, and my sisters!


    That's great !!! I'm really glad you love your sisters now. LOL !!! Thank you.

    cars :D

    Here's how to answer a question with a question Spacey.
    Explain "Chiterlings".
    I asked about them in 2 restuaunts,in New Orleans & San Antonio & they looked at me like I was a serial killer or something.The Beverly Hillbillies used to talk about them all the time & I always wondered what they were.

    Never even heard of Mountain Oysters.Wouldn'y know how to cook them so I would probably Balls it up.

    They tattled on me all the time. They matured into fine ladies.

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