    why does obama hate americans that work and love those who dont

    +4  Views: 751 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    I dislike your question but i vote you up one because you are a vote against Obama.. Assuming you are old enough to vote..

    7 Answers

    The point is to get as many individuals and businesses on the government dole, so the NWO or a socialized global economy can rule.


    President Obama do not hate Americans. He an American too!

    correction: He's an American Too!

    Your right! To much hating on Obama,sometimes I wonder what it's all "REALLY"about.

    I have no idea. But, one thing for sure, President Obama has more for Him, then against Him. :-)

    Our country is the same. Whole families stay on the dole for generations and the Government does nothing.

    That's silly.  I don't care for Obama but your question is silly and reflects on  all of us that disagree with his politics. However, please vote!!! LOL  It was people on the left that think just like you do that put him in office.. :)


    I agree, this is silly. Love or Hate Him, Barack Obama is still the President of the United States Of America who loves all Americans!

    Pamela, did you feel the same about George W Bush when he was in office as the president?? Did you also respect him as 'your' president as you do Barrack Obama?? I have heard this 'love or hate he's your president' before from some democrats but when I ask them this question, they will say.. GWB was NOT my president. There was no respect for GWB from the left, regardless of what good he did. (or bad).. I respect the office, I may disagree with the politics but once again, my fellow Americans put him there and I respect them as well. Even though I think they are wrong..

    I felt the same for President Bush too. Love Him or Hate Him. He was the Leader of The United States of America and deserved the same respect.

    Great answer!! Thanks!! :)

    You're Welcome!!! :-)

    I lived in a town where there were many field workers. Steinbeck Country. The families who lived there did not have enough to live a good life. The young men looked around and saw their Dad's slave away and became angry. This poverty went through the generations. They turned to crime and dealing and taking drugs to make their life seem better, i guess. Some little kids broke into a house near me and someone called the police. The kids ran out the door and left behind them a trail of goldfish crackers, potato chips, cookies, etc. They were hungry. I saw the police get these kids down on the ground like grown men. face on the cement, arms behind them. rough talk and a little kid about 9 peed his pants.  Such a thing is poverty. I don't have a solution just an understanding.



    Off topic ... zoom.

    LOL!!!! What a good question. You are fabulous! But you are going to ask "His Royal Slyness".

    that way he feels more powerfull and needed,just a bos.

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