    Should the Republicans agree the super-rich need to pay more in taxes if spending is cut by the Democracts?

    +4  Views: 810 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    ABSOLUTELY! The super rich pay zero U.S. taxes.

    Trouble is, the super rich may not perceive of themselves as super rich.  Now what do we do?


    Because the super rich are super cheap!

    I am so glad I am poor then, Pamela. Otherwise, you might hate me!

    Not at all, nor the super rich!!!
    Because the super rich are super cheap!

    The term is called INSURRECTION. The Constitution orders us to overtake the government when it has gotten out of control. Well, it's been out of control for decades because most Americans are lemmings, and refuse to get involved. Most Americans have been lulled into thinking that the government is supposed to solve all of our problems. The only thing the gov is supposed to do is protect our shores and natural resources, and provide an executive, legislative, and judicial system of government, as voted by the people.

    They certainly schould pay theire fair share. The tax code has too many loopholes for big corporations and weathy people, thanks to Charlie Rangel who personaly benefited from it. I know GE did not pay a dime in taxes yet they give millions of dollars of campaingn money for the liberal cause..It reminds me of an ant hill, where the worker ants slave all day to bring food to the Oueen, until they die from exhaustion.

    The super rich employ the average worker, make the 'super rich' pay more  they will lay off the average workers to maintain their super rich style.  So waddia do?? Over taxing the wealthy is like  punishing them for doing well.  Obama's reference to corporate jets and mansions was the wrong way to try and enlist supporters.  It's the rich that employ the workers and its the workers that make the country strong.


    Already you have seen where taxes and other burdens created by the government had caused a scamper to other countries to keep alive, due to this, we have many thousands out of work.  The rich will always find a way to stay rich, even at  the cost of you losing your jobs, why can't you obama supporters see this? You are so blinded by the the 'holyness' of Obama that you fail to see the future stakes.   Obama once again uses his scare tactics to win people over, saying that on august 3rd, old people won't get their social security-- This is BS..  Of course they will, to say that business people riding their personal jets is the cause of our problem is also BS, Blaming success is not the way to handle this, you MUST blame failure, not success.. Obama's agenda of hope and change has so far been a failure-- And NOT one damn crack about GWB, he's gone!   Understand both sides before making decisions. This is not a popularity contest of which Obama is sure to win..  Its the fate of the USA..


    Well said Vin!
    That would not solve any deficit problem, . We should do away with all income taxes , death taxes , and all. Put in a consumption tax , and everybody would be paying taxes.
    I am deeply worried by the division and discord in our Country today. There must be someway to resolve and compromise. The must be someway to avoid financial disaster. What is needed is action and common purpose before the situation worsens. We must all suffer the results of where our horses lead us and right now our horses are headed over a cliff. We need to equally share in turning this situation around. Unfortunately the problems are interconnected and multifaceted with questionable outcomes when you involve dysfunctional government and greedy corrupt corporate climate. Good Luck and may God bless America!

    The biggest corporation is the USA herself,  The crooked politics and greed that exist in politics that are protected by the constitution and law is the forst big business 'we the people' need to go after, however, with high profile political marketing that is based on promises and lies from both sides we have a serious problem.  I understand there exists corporate greed, however I also undestand that they are what makes this country a powerful workhorse and offers jobs for its people.  This is the blind side that people do not see and refuses to  see.  Once you lose your job because production is low due to lack of sales of your product you will understand the ripple effect of taxing big business.


    'You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.'

    Well, the super wealthy are paying the lowest taxes they have paid as a percentage of income in the history of our country and it doesn't seem to have created an abundance of jobs. The fact is that the weathy don't supply most of the jobs in our country, the middle class does. Most comes from small business and the rest comes from businesses that expand. Shoot, hedge fund managers make billions and pay less than the average worker, some as little as 15%. Yes, they should pay more. If you look at history you will see that in the last twenty five years most of the money in the country has flowed to the super wealthy, which gives them power and they make more money which gives them more power. They use this power to unduely influence legislation which in turn makes them more money. Meanwhile, the middle class income has remained flat and in most cases, actually diminished. But, the downside for them is that most of the purchasing in our country is done by the shrinking middle class. So, maybe when the rest of us run out of money, they will too, then hopefully they'll die. Oh sorry, I had a moment there.

    It's a published fact the super-rich pay less taxes than they did twenty years ago. I favor a flat tax for everyone with exemptions for the "working poor". There are too many loop holes and such for he rich and corporate interests.

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