

    +4  Views: 2311 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: philosophy

    Yes, but we will forgive you for owning up.


    <thanks bestway your right>

    14 Answers

    I think most people know what the truth is about things but just do not want to face it sometimes.

    Are you talking about the fifth colume take over of America, Elites making slaves of us all by way of banks, corporations, govt. lawyers etc., chemtrails, poison food water drugs news movies tv "programs", or your neighbor thinking it's ok to spray roundup "every year" on his weeds and raid or his spiders, while being to stupid to realize he's drinking it in his ground water and it will kill him if the govt. doesn't get to him sooner?

    any body notice i misspelled "nonscience" with "nonscence"


    it's spelled 'nonsense' actually.. and yes I did notice!

    I have one of those steamers for cleaning, I don't use any chemicals. It doesn't make sense, even if it says biodegradable it's still going somewhere for a while. Sometimes it the mixture of all the "SAFE" cleaning products that becomes the problem.

    The truth hurts because people have an unrealistic opinion about themselves in their own minds.
    No one views you like you do, everyone else see's a different you. We justify our actions to make us seem like good people to ourselves.

    Because it goes against the desires and demands of the senses of the body and the world.

    well I still vote for the truth no matter what but there is such a thing as being tactful or like Thumper said his mama always taught him if you could not say nothing nice then say nothing at all........

    I once told someone the truth and it really did hurt. I told them they had BO and they hit me on the nose. Yes the truth hurts lol


    Wow! I bet that was quite an experience.LOL


    incomplete truth = harmful.. you channeled nothing but your isolated perspective. The whole truth would have sounded different.


    What was that old song?

    Two lovely black eyes,
    Oh! what a suprize
    Only for telling a man he was wrong,
    Two lovely black eyes


    I dare you to go back and offer them a pack of deodorant.

    Darci13.....It is easier to get used to their smell. Easier on my smell with my nose than wipe blood of ..LOL

    I would say  mostly GUILT

    Beacuse if a new Truth evloving mentally, transcends, something one thought and believed was true, and is no longer true, it hurts confidence, for it goes against ones desires and senses.

     For it is the death of the old way; the old habit, a cherished idea. Particularly if it is the death of one Idea for a better one, traditionalist, fundamentalists kill each other over this, because they cannot face something that makes all their concepts of what is, false.

     Jesus was a good example of this, the fundamentists, when His Christ teachings, had shown their literalism and dogma a lie, crucified him, because of the Truth he declared, to be the Truth of Truths. But in the end, the Truth can only add to what was, for it is in this, men may grow in consciousness to a higher plane. Let them hear it who can ;)

    "A little white lie to bend the truth to spare your partner, friends, or relatives feelings seems to be the norm."

    it is the norm yes, but it does more damage in the end.. however it really depends on your level of awareness.. if you have the power to speak the truth without causing harm, then it is better. There is also more control and understanding therefore the truth is not 'bent', it is created. Truth is not an opinion, it is channeled.. a person of lower awareness does not channel truth as efficiently, so a white lie suits them better.. hard to blame them, but it is frustrating. The catch is simple; the truth is never 'negative', that is just a narrow outlook; therefore someone of lower awareness does not give a wholesome enough truth for their understanding is too little.. and this incomplete truth causes more harm, so 'white lies' are the generic blanket for this kind of mind.

    So my answer is this.. the truth only hurts when there is an overall lack of truth corrupting the final equation. Lack of harmony or desire for real truth.

    The only truth that matters to me is that when it comes to the important things that the people i care about and trust are straight with me.If they have something that needs to be said then say it even if its not what i want to hear.Better that then lie n humour me cos it'll be worse when i do find out.It is always best to know the truth cos then you know where you stand.As for the truths beyond my life and control i'm not that bothered cos there's not much i can do about them

    I believe the truth is paramount, no exceptions, not even to spare someone's feelings. It might sound cold I know however, if someone can't handle the truth I believe it to be their own problem and they need to take another look at themselves and recognize that they are who they are because they made themselves that way and if the truth hurts then clearly there is something that person doesn't like about him/her self so then it's their responsibility to change that. I'm not going to allow someone's personal discomforts turn me into a liar, even if its just a little white lie. What does that teach our children?

    well it depends wat the truth is, was it after lying ??????


    truth is the absence of lies

    I agree with daren1; no one wants to hear the honest truth. A little white lie to bend the truth to spare your partner, friends, or relatives feelings seems to be the norm.

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