    What was the biggest amount of cash you ever found surprisingly in one of your pockets?

    I suppose many of you have already stumbled across forgotten money in the pockets of pants, jackets, or other clothing items. Which was the most pleasant (copious) amount you have found so far?

    Cheerioh, Papitou

    +4  Views: 746 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    A little over $80.00 in a jacket pocket that I must have stuffed there while out drinking.

    I had cashed a paycheck one time and put the money in my coat pocket and forgot about it. It was 3 years before I wore that coat again so it took some time for me to remember why there was $578.00 in it's pocket.


    see my response on cat picture i share my back porch with 5 cats

    Good for you. did you convert them?
    $50 in a coat pocket,hadn't worn the coat for over a year.Nice surprize.

    $500.00, Some moons ago, I managed an ambulance service, my first wife and I was going to Myrtle Beach for our honeymoon.  I had stuck the money back to have on hand upon returning we found out someone had entered our home and removed 2 large jars of change, we had saved, I looked for the $500.00 an couldn't locate it, we thought the thief had found it.  Then approx. 8mos later, we'd moved and was putting things away, when suddeningly it fell out of one of my jumpsuits pocket.

    120 Pounds in my suit pocket several years ago. On the same theme, only last week i found a 20 pound note in my old 2010 work diary.

    50 in a coat pocket after a year i knew what it was the minute i touched it left over from a wild new years eve in new orleans oh yeah auburn beat mich. 9-7

    i found $800 dollars in my friends pocket while he was sleeping boy was he surprised  when he woke up!1

    My wife knows my bad habits, she checks all pockets before taking anything to the cleaners, or before she does the wash. I'll have to ask her what she found. I can't remember finding any money in my stuff. Now my car that's another story.

    $100 in a drawer. KNow Idea why it was there.

    $100 note.I put it in the zip up section of my wallet for safe keeping because I don't get to handle too many of them.Found it about 8 weeks later!:)
    $100 note.I put it in the zip up section of my wallet for safe keeping because I don't get to handle too many of them.Found it about 8 weeks later!:)
    PS.Just checked that zip up again!! :)

    My wife knows my bad habits, she checks all pockets before taking anything to the cleaners, or before she does the wash. I'll have to ask her what she found. I can remember finding any money in my stuff. Now my car that's another story.


    Yes my wife does my pockets also.

    I was going through my old clothes and there it was 10,000. In new notes. I took it out and off I went to spend it. I saw a nice new Goldwing bike and went in to pay for it. I was just about to get on and ride it home and then what happened.........I woke up....LOL


    Should have gone for the girl instead.

    Yeah, I was gonna say... 10.000 what? Rupies? Too good to be true.:)

    Some dreams to come true. :-)



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