    Why do good people go horribly wrong?

    Why do genuinely good people need to seek out greener patures knowing full well they will never find it? Is there something to abandonment issues, abuse issues, daddy/mommy issues?

    +5  Views: 589 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Don't know Jenn. You know the house I grew up in. Mental and physical abuse but as far as relationships go for me, the only green pasture is the person I'm with. Maybe it's more about selfishness and the inability to fully commit to one person. The fear of missing out on "something better".  You need to stop fixating on this. You're going to drive yourself nuts over it. You can not change people like that. They have to recognise their failings and change themselves.


    Yes I do need to stop fixating... I am looking for explainations that dont excist.

    Because you think you can fix him. You can't. To him, he's not broken, you are because you don't understand what seems so clear to him in his line of thinking. You will just keep slamming your head into a brick wall over this. He will learn when his world falls apart.

    I tryed to cut ties.. but my hubby is so stressed out with so many other things Idont want to add to his plate right now... I am going ot stay away.. far away from him. But try not to make it obvious I am avioding him.

    Just tell him straight out, you do not wish to hear anything more about his fascinations with or about other women. Tell him the next time he tries to broach the subject with you, you will inform his wife. Your husband is actually the one who should be talking to him about this crap, not you. He is your husbands best friend, not yours.

    I made it clear that I was done with him.. All of him... We are not friends and he is no friend to my husband. He is trying to turn back to God.. And it made me realize I am no more innocent than he his... I should have never thought I could counsel him. I should have stopped it before it got started. I should have let my hubby in on it so I would not be in hte middle.

    Jenn, if he told you he's trying to turn back to God, he was trying to fool you to get your sympathies. He's a game player and user. His ego tells him he does not need God. You my friend, through your caring, compassion and yes, even being naive to his games have proven you're still with God as you try to share IT's love with another. This guy is not ready yet to receive such a love. It would burn him. Let him be.

    Thank you Colleen. I finally realize I can not help him. And he is going to be and do exactly what he wants. All I can do is walk away. Yes I think he is just a player.. and I dont have the time or energy to play.

    But they still know it's a wrong thing to do. Everyone makes mistakes, some make more.

    Personally, I think it stems from what the person is feeling within themself. No one knows what a person is feeling within themself, better than themself. They might put on a smile for the world, and continue doing what they think and believe is right. But inside, they just might feel crushed and beaten down, unable to communicate what they need to, to the person it needs to be communicated to in order to bring about the needed change. So, all the person is left with is just plain old despair, with no real hope of change viewable on the horizon...and in a moment of weakness or temptation, emotions rule.

    Some spouses might not be physically abusive, but emotionally, they are experts at ruining what should be the happiest of times. Almost as though, little by little, they are sucking the life right out of you...leaving someone really wondering why they are still sticking around. But then there's kids at issue, who want the happiness they have thus far grew up knowing, in a family with a mother and father together. Then the spouse who is the emotionally abusive one, reels the other spouse back in, only to start the cycle all over again. After awhile, there is really only a shell of a person left, who often finds refuge in their work and the times they get to enjoy with their kids. I think that's when people become vulnerable to excercising poor judgement. For there is never really a shortage of women or men, who for as wrong as it might be, want someone elses spouse and make it readily known they are available.

    Like I said, no one really knows what goes on in someone's head better than that person themself. Over the years I have known a couple of people who acted completely normal around everyone, only to find out they went home and killed themself. And that is yet just another example of how little we really know of what is going through someone's head at times. Like eggplant said, it most likely was something that was bubbling from within. 

    I think the daddy, mummy issue is just an excuse. Everybody knows what's right and what's wrong. I think it was most likely something that was bubbling from within. Sooner or later it comes out. Basically, every human is good, it's their behaviour which is not good.


    You dont thnk that if a person grew up craving attention, they will continue to do so as they are older?
    Listen to Colleen Jenn, I can`t add much to her good advise except to say he may have ideas of putting you as another notch on his bed head and is trying to sucker you in because you feel sorry for him.

    Colleen said you are perhaps a little naive, well sweet one you are far too naive for your own good, toughen up just a little.
    You comment that he is no longer friends with you and your husband, tell him that, tell him he is no longer welcome at your home.

    Jenn, you cannot help someone who will not help themself.

    My offer to talk is still open if you ask Colleen she can pass on my details.

    Pardon my french but piss him off for good.

    I am done with him... My hubby is as well. I told him he is not welcome here. as a matter of fact there is now a 3 foot barrier between our houses. I dont beleive I am naive, as far as him wanting to "do" me... I cant imagine him thinking that... But my husband told me last night that he beleives that is a factor. I am tough as nails on the outside... I am only weak when I am talking to all of you. Because honestly I am a broken little girl on the inside. I try to hide that from the world.. But here.. I am uninhibited. Thank Love bug.

    Good onyou Jenn, you and your husband have done the right thinI am pleased that you feel secure in showing your "other self" here on this site it is for that very reason that i suggested that if you want to you can have my e mail address to "talk" one on one with no judgement by me.

    Stay strong and above all stay happy. xx Love Bug

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