Answers: 42
can pink magic make someone very tired and have trouble sleeping
Answers: 2 Views: 446 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

what is pink magic?

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Would anti-biotics make you toungue white?
Answers: 8 Views: 715 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

millie 111 sorry to hear you are in sub-zero conditions,  you must be way north or is it east?  Yes the sun is lovely, but the down side is, we have had so little rain, we are soon to be facing a drought!!  thanx

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Spring Cleaning... Where to start?
Answers: 13 Views: 1168 Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

Fishlet, I wish you all the luck in the world,   I am so sorry your sister  has passed away,  I  know how hard it is to let go,  I have lost both parents,  my mother only 4 years ago, (seems like yesterday does'nt it?).   The things your sister willed to you,  hold on tight to them until you are ready to decide what you want to do,  you will know when,  for me it felt like letting go of a breath I did'nt know I was holding.  And I have only touched the tip of the ice-berg,  but thats O.K,  one step at a time, dont tell your-self off,  just thinking about it,  is the first step,  and now you have taken a second step,  by simply asking,  and you  are on your way to a third step by seeking help.  Good for you Fishlet.   And now how about a  Chinese proverb??  (I'm afraid I have a weakness for these!)  - here goes  -  "eat a frog for brekfast,  and IF there are two,  eat the ugliest one first!"   Meaning of course, get the unpleasant part of your day out of the way first,  but you worked that one out.  Good luck Fishlet, keep on keeping on. x

Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
A lot of people are saying we are probably facing the End of the World as we know it, they reckon the end date is 21st December, what are you thoughts on this??
Answers: 25 Views: 1211 Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

Colleen, it says u commented my last comment, starting Oh chosen Fishlet,  but I dont see a comment.   Is it delayed?  Lost in transit or something else?

Rating: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
Spring Cleaning... Where to start?
Answers: 13 Views: 1168 Rating: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

It sounds like you have a problem hoarders have (& I speak from personal experience! ), I think they call it a rotating shuffle,  where by you go in a room,  see a pile,  feel overwhelmed,  pick something up, put it down,  pick something else up,  put it down,  do this for a while, feel your getting nowhere, give up.  I find it best to pick one room,  just one,  start in a corner, (does not matter which one) pick something up and deal with it,  do not be tempted to put it down,  if its junk take it out and throw it away,  if can be re-cycled do it,    when the corner is clear move either right or left  and deal with stuff as you go.  Do not allow yourself to wander off,   make sure you take a break after 20 mins, for 40 mins.   Now this sounds like you wont get much done,  but you will be amazed how stuff goes.  As for cleaning,  when you have one room tidy,  dust,  sweep,  polish  -  done! 

Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
Would anti-biotics make you toungue white?
Answers: 8 Views: 715 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

fjoel  thanx for the advice.  Like my folks say  -  better safe than sorry  -  so I will check.  Hope all is well with you.

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Would anti-biotics make you toungue white?
Answers: 8 Views: 715 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

Headless One, I'm sure its not the mouthwash.  And I have stopped the anti-biotics thanx, nough probs without any more.  But at least the sun is shining, the birds are singing  and I've just had fresh baked bread!

Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
A lot of people are saying we are probably facing the End of the World as we know it, they reckon the end date is 21st December, what are you thoughts on this??
Answers: 25 Views: 1211 Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

Oh! chosen one I am so glad.  The cat will look like a purse?  That is priceless,  and I would so love to see that.  I have 2 cats myself,  thou I think 1 would have to go as a holdall,  prefrabley (?) with wheels!  Not saying shes fat, shes  not, but very sturdily built!!  Now what about other pets??  Hamster coin purse perhaps?  Doggie Bag?????  ROFL!!        P.S  the cat has the power of mind-meld?  Are you sure his ancestors are Egyptian?    That sounds more like his ancestors are VULCAN!  Live Long & Prosper.  >:-)                                                  

Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
ok so im 14 and my boyfriend said for my 15th birthday hes getting me and engagement ring what am i supposed to say!
Answers: 24 Views: 1094 Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

i think if you have to ask that question, you kinda already know in your heart what the answer is.  i bet hes your first serious boyfriend, and WOW!  he says hes going to get you an engagement ring,  that is so exiting.   i bet part of you wants to say YES, you think what your girlfriends will say,,  they will be sooo jealous!!  Another part of you,  the part that is what you will be when you have grown into a young woman, says hold on a moment,  that means complete comitment, no looking at other guys, maybe not going out with your girlfriends so much, because he wont like it.,  what if you dont get to go to college, or get that job you were dreaming of,  or what about travel?  have you ever dreamed of going places? say Paris or somewhere?  and you cant because., you got engaged at 15, married at 16,  and 2 kids by the time you are 20,   sometimes this is right for some people,  but i dont think they would ask this question,  they would know,    if hes not listning, and says you should be gratefull, or something,  he using something called emotional blackmail  -  an example would be  "If you really loved me like you say you do,  you would say yes"   -  the answer to this is  "if you loved me the way you say you do, you would not keep pushing me for an answer"     OR  "baby if you love me, you would do it"    what ever "it" he wanted at the time.  Some guys are very good at pushing our buttons,  it works best on girls that are nice, quiet, and caring.  you find it hard to say no, to anybody, wether thats helping with the dishes when you want to study, or going somewhere to support a friend (like seeing a really lame film).   sounds like you could do with a good talk with someone,  is there a teacher you trust?  or maybe the Samaritans  (you dont have to be sucidal, you can talk about anyting and in confidence)  or maybe look in the phone book for youth councilling, help for young people,  its in cofidence they wont tell your parents, teachers or friends,  and if sitting down talking face to face is too  much,  PHONE  you will feel a whole lot better when you can talk this out i bet,   that said  i  think  you have already made a very smart desicion,  by asking this question on-line.   i know you have had a lot of conflicting advice!!   big help huh??  but i would think its helped you a bit.   another thing to try  -  make a list  -   10 reasons why i should say yes //  10  reasons why i should say no    -  alright thats 2 lists!  tear it up when you are done,   but i think it will help -  seeing it all on paper somehow makes it more real.   i  hope this helps you.   i hope you come back and tell us  your descion,   and i hope you keep in touch,  there are so many questions out there,  not just the really serious ones.   dont forget us,  keep in touch,  you have friends here.


Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what was Yesterday?
Answers: 19 Views: 1287 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

it was a rehersal!!

Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

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