Answers: 8327
Hobbies. Do you spend money on yours?
Answers: 3 Views: 802 Rating: 3 Posted: 5 years ago

I don't have spending money . I have to watch every penny. I get Soc Sec and I don't get a pension from my late husb or from my job.

Rating: 2 Posted: 5 years ago
What is the weather like in your area right now?
Answers: 10 Views: 1417 Rating: 6 Posted: 5 years ago

It's hot and humid here in Mich- - - 84---86 F  for Oct  9th . It's called an " Indian Summer " It's supposed to plunge to 50 degrees F on Fri....during the daytime  :-\

The Mexican weather forecast is cool today, hot tomale .

Rating: 4 Posted: 5 years ago
Have you noticed the monarch butterfly migration yet ?
Answers: 4 Views: 812 Rating: 3 Posted: 5 years ago

Haven't seen any around here in  S. E. Mich. in years. But , they used to come up from Mexico in the Spring to Point Pelee, a peninsula in Southern  Ontario and I used to see tons of them there.

Rating: 3 Posted: 5 years ago
I just went past a restaurant that had its Christmas lights on. We're barely into October. Don't you think it's too early?
Answers: 10 Views: 996 Rating: 7 Posted: 5 years ago

that's a bit much; and so has Target put  out their Christmas trees and decorations for sale for almost a month , and it's not even Halloween yet.

Rating: 6 Posted: 5 years ago
Are you greeted by name at any of the establishments that you go to? I am, at one of the banks where I have an account.....
Answers: 5 Views: 816 Rating: 3 Posted: 5 years ago

Clongie, you must have a lot of money , and that's why they cater to you   ;-)

Rating: 3 Posted: 5 years ago
I absolutely can't stand braggarts. How do you handle them?
Answers: 4 Views: 652 Rating: 4 Posted: 5 years ago

I find that people brag about their kids and tell you how wonderfull they are, when in reality , they aren't .

Rating: 2 Posted: 5 years ago
It gives me the shivers just thinking about it
Answers: 9 Views: 9024 Rating: 8 Posted: 5 years ago

Westie,Duckster, and jh...... it scares me that - - - that nut hole in North Korea has his thumb on the button . At least Pres Trump didn't kill his uncle like Kim Jung Oon did

Rating: 4 Posted: 5 years ago
What is your favorite thing about your kitchen?
Answers: 8 Views: 1007 Rating: 8 Posted: 5 years ago

- - - the food

Rating: 7 Posted: 5 years ago
Among your acquainences, male and female, what is the most common first name? For example....
Answers: 8 Views: 994 Rating: 7 Posted: 5 years ago

There were always a lot of Lindas in my age group. It seemed like every year , in elementary school, there were 4 Lindas in my class.And , there are  a lot of Pattys and Kathys . There were a lot of Johns , Bobs, and Steves. Every other boy was named John or Michael or Bob.


Rating: 4 Posted: 5 years ago
It's Only A Little Prick............Tell us about your worst experience.
Answers: 8 Views: 1168 Rating: 7 Posted: 5 years ago

When I was in the E R once, several years ago, I had a nurse who stuck the needle in 3 different times / places to get blood out of my arm. She was going to stick it in a 4th time, but I told her 3 strikes and you're out ! Get someone else to do it. No, I didn't cry . They often have trouble finding a vein.They say they can't find a vein in my R arm and the vein in the bend of my L elbow is getting too scarred from so many blood draw. It really hurts when they take it out of the back of your hand. They have left big hematomas from doing that.

Rating: 5 Posted: 5 years ago

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