Answers: 181
do any one have a great deal on a nice car for sale
Answers: 4 Views: 657 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
No buying from friends n family can be fine cos in the end of the day you can be easily ripped off by a stranger,a second hand dealer,forecourt dealer at main dealership as anyone else.Buy a 2nd hand car is full of potential pitfalls so if you don't know a decent bit about the actual mechanics of a car then it's best to take someone with you who does.General rule is if it looks too good to be true then it usually is.There are great deals buying privately but if you get it wrong youre stuck with it.Last week I got a 97 subaru legacy 2.0 awd with year mot,6 mths tax,111,000 miles for ?350 but l know cars inside out.Check local papers n dealers as least you'll have a degree of comeback or warranty.
Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
how to change an oil filter on a transit van
Answers: 2 Views: 2088 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
The oil filter wrench has a handle with either a canvas loop you fit over the filter body n adjust till tight,other type has chain and is better. The body will be slippery n very hard to unscrew by hand.Filter easy to find it at side of engine block at least halfway down and prob back towards g/box.When you first run engine to warm oil at the start it good idea to treat it with engine flush which you can buy at same time as oil n filter.Simply pour contents in oil filler n let engine up to 30 mins.This'll remove lot more crap than just draining the oil.Locate drain plug at start,it'll tend to be towards edge or corner of sump.Place tray under sump before takin plug out but remember oil wi pour out not just run so put tray off to side a bit to catch it
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
how to change an oil filter on a transit van
Answers: 2 Views: 2088 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Heres general guide as not been near a transit in years.What you'll need ~ filter,filter wrench,5 litres + new engine oil,jacks or ramps n various tools.Think transits FWD nowadays thou majority RWD,this just effects the layout not the general job.Really changing filter without doing oil change so first thing run engine for 10~15 mins get oil warm n runny.Switch off n locate sump at bottom of engine,the lowest section n find plug.Be bolt or recessed bolt wi allen key head,unscrew rite out n place drain tray under it.may take 5 mins to drain oil out fully.Filter like large can screws into side of engine.Fitted hand tight but real hard to move after time.Use wrench or knock screwdriver thru side to give you leverage to start it turning then remove.On new one be rubber ring round face that sits against engine.Smear the ring with fresh oil n screw new filter on as tight as poss by hand,no more.refit drain plug,fill engine wi fresh oil.job done
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Is April 11th 2011 a chemtrail day in your area?
Answers: 10 Views: 1203 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Ah think you pushed the wrong button there,i can't follow this link but i've read how rock is the mind control tool of the illuminati,,i went to a site with a skepical but still open mind but a link saying Jimmy Page was puppet of satan was about the worst start.yet to my credit i read everything there was n other sites.I first heard of the NWO conspiracy must have been 1990.In the UK at the time there was a late night tv show on a friday called The James Whale Radio Show,it was crap but never forget there was a gay tory mp,wi curly hair n a beard Geoff,Jeremy or similar can't remember his surname but he was often on it talking bout NWO n that it was coming n there was nothing we could do,become slaves etc,etc.Didnt really get it but its always stuck in my mind.Wonder where that mp is now,not in the coalition anyway be curious to know how his career has gone cos he makin a name back then

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 18 Views: 3163 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Well I don't know for a fact but I'm assuming that most of the pro christian opinion comes from the US,aye i know i'm making judgements and assumptions but don't we all.I can only talk about the UK but we are a secular society.Religion has killed,persecuted,victimised and marginalised hundreds of thousands throughout our history and is the cause of deep divisions held for centuries that still divide today.In fairness religi? has done good aswell but its no surprise that we have long believed that the religion and the church is best kept far removed from government and state.We got read the bible,sung hymes at assembly etc at primary n secondary RE (religious education was compulsory till 4th year).We are a secular country which means religion is the individuals choice n should be left out of education.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Islam (This religion is a miracle and i hear that there are many people the convert daily around the world especially in Europe and U.S.
Answers: 25 Views: 1989 Rating: -2 Posted: 13 years ago

Dear oh dear at last we've found someone the christians can stand even less that atheists n non believers.The irony being its meant to be the same god n its merely squabbling over crusades are history,the wars over but still the grudge remains.Look when it comes to it its hypocritical to pick out the worst in an opposing religion and hold it up in comparison against the benign aspects of yours.Yes stoning and beheading but then whatabout covering for and protecting those that systematically sodemised choirboys,,show me a religion that hasnt got its rotten,ugly side to it aswell.I'm not taking sides its like asking who do you support Rangers or Celtic ??.Neither cos I hate football.It was islam that kept science,medicine,greek n roman knowledge alive n forwarded while Europe was in The Dark Ages.Obviously Islams outselling Christianity nowadays.Hey~ho !!!!

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 10 Views: 2682 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

You know someone to said the other day,a very switched on 16 y/o lassie.She said if heaven is meant to be up above and hell down below then we must be in hell.Course she was pointing out the absurdities of a lot of christian rhetoric but couldnt help smiling at the irony in what she was saying. Also as a quick aside I find the comment above about putting this question out there to get people thinking as a touch sinister,has the distinct air of an agenda. Is hell eternal ??,well if it is then surely roasting in the fires of hell will loose it's sting after a millenia or two. Mind you i watched this documentary on religion and they had this recording taken from deep down a well sunk into the earth looking for gas in Russia,,anyway the recording was masses of human voices wailing and moaning in despair.They touted it as proof of hell.Nonsense maybe but it gave me the shivers all the same

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 4 Views: 889 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Oh dear so everything is part of god's plan,what a depressing idea.So does that mean it's was ordained that i'd be sitting here answering this question are these my words or god's and i just believe its what i believe.Surely Japan's tsunami was caused by plate tectonics thou i suppose if you believe in god you could say the earth was his creation so therefore what happens here is of his making.Isnt that the same as saying the guy who built the car is responsible for the guy who crashed it.Where does our wonderful gift of free will fit in,whats it worth if we're damned for not towing god's line.Me,I don't believe in the christian,jewish,muslim etc,etc god so think whatever caused the tsunami it wasnt some spurious deitys grand scheme.Maybe it was HAARP??.Of course,maybe these are god's words i'm coming out with !!!!

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
The Bible, a Series?
Answers: 8 Views: 2773 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

We were always told that much of the bible is allegorical and not meant to be taken literally.I'm afraid thou that Shadow is perfectly right that the christian story of Mary and Jesus,the virgin birth n dying on the cross was part of the Egyptian religion.What about Zeus,not a million miles from the name Jesus is it??.Whether that invalidates christianity or shows a common thread runs thru most religions is anybodys guess but if the truth has been refined over time maybe we should become muslims.If it's been diluted then maybe the Pagans have it as it can be traced back to Messiolithic times.The trouble with religion and a holy book is it breeds doctrine.The trouble with the bible is its somebody writing on events centuries past.The fact many people wrote it n said similar things means nothing,certainly not proof.Pick up a magazine you'll find many writers contributed.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
The Bible, a Series?
Answers: 8 Views: 2773 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

We were always told that much of the bible is allegorical and not meant to be taken literally.I'm afraid thou that Shadow is perfectly right that the christian story of Mary and Jesus,the virgin birth n dying on the cross was part of the Egyptian religion.What about Zeus,not a million miles from the name Jesus is it??.Whether that invalidates christianity or shows a common thread runs thru most religions is anybodys guess but if the truth has been refined over time maybe we should become muslims.If it's been diluted then maybe the Pagans have it as it can be traced back to Messiolithic times.The trouble with religion and a holy book is it breeds doctrine.The trouble with the bible is its somebody writing on events centuries past.The fact many people wrote it n said similar things means nothing,certainly not proof.Pick up a magazine you'll find many writers contributed.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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