    how do you peel a mango?

    0  Views: 203 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    To cut a mango, start with a serrated edge knife. (That’s the one with the jagged edge that you use to cut a loaf of bread.) Mangos are very slippery and you have to be very careful when peeling a mango that the knife does not slip.

    Slice off the fattest part, sometimes called the “cheek”, of both sides of the mango. Notice in the photo below the position of the knife in relationship to the stem. (The stem is next to my left index finger.) Now score the “cheek”. That means to make shallow cuts with a paring knife. Make each cut about ? inch apart, and then turn the “cheek” and make perpendicular cuts as well. Once scored, press the back side of the mango so that all the flesh is standing at attention. You can serve it this way or trim off the flesh from the skin. Cut around the pit with a small paring knife.
    Remove the remaining skin from the flesh. Trim around the pit to remove the remaining flesh.

    Careful not to get the sap on your skin, mango's are in the poison ivy family. Many people can eat them, but are allergic to their sap.

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