    what floor type resists cat peeIs there a flooring that won't absorb cat pee?

    Need to replace living room ruig with something easily cleaned, if cats pee on it. Have tried pheromones but it stopped working.

    +1  Views: 2025 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    ceramic tiles are best if they are still peeing you need to use some thing that breaks down the protein in the urine and u can make up yr own solution you bilogical washing powder and white vinigar and bicarb of soda I have had 10 cats at one stage in my live and they wont go back after that stuff has been on or you could just get somthing in the store good luck melanie From appleby interiors
    It's not that the floor absorbs the cat urine, it's the smell that soaks in. You need to use a special liquid that will descent the urine smell, you can find it in Department stores and even some grocery stores. If all else fails - use bleach. Never use ammonia as that is what urine breaks down into, if you use it the cat will continue to urinate in that spot.
    Any hard surface that is sealed will not absorb cat urine. But you do have to clean it up immediately or it will break down the sealant over time.
    Ceramic floors are great. You can also buy a Steam mop by SHARK & use it for cleaning your cerammic floors when you do get a mess. The steam eliminates bacteria & smells & it only costs about $99 for one at Lowes, etc.... You may want to talk to your vet about why your cats are peeing on the floor instead of the litter box. He may have suggestions or be able to figure out why they may be behaving this way.

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