OK, CNN finally just showed a whole minute of coverage on the 'quake. Big of them huh? They said it was a 7.1 I really dislike CNN. Next up after the 'quake report was a two minute blurb about the naming of some animal (wasn't really paying attention) that was just born at some zoo. 2 minutes about a zoo animal and a minute about the earthquake. No mention of New Zealand.......
<a href="/users/975/colleen/">@Colleen</a> - Thursday night, The quake struck at 11:32 p.m. local time.
<a href="/users/2135/angie/">@Angie</a> - Thanks, Will you please change your comment to answer so everyone can see it, thanks!!!
4 Answers
The continuance of earthquakes will persist until we are willing to solve the problem. We have had solutions to this problem for a hundred years or more. I see this as the human choice to suffer rather than accept the responsibility to solve the problem like so many other problems also.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I watched a documentary on public television last night about Japans earthquake and it was fascinating. The footage was incredible and something most of us haven't seen yet. Videos have surfaced that the owners were unable to get to the outside world when the original quake hit. The program also showed an "After Shock" model that pinpointed the numerous quakes since the BIG ONE hit. In some areas of Japan the land is now THREE FEET LOWER than it was before the quake. The Tsunami that followed was then able to reach further inland because of that 3 foot drop causing even more damage and death. These after shocks can go on for months now because each quake that happens now is moving into another area that puts more pressure on THAT plate. All resulting in MORE QUAKES. Its a nightmare over there.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
I'm not seeing anything on the news about this? When did they get hit ?