    how to discourage lizards from my home/apt

    In Memphis TN. As the weather warms up I'm being invaded by lizards. How can I get rid of them? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you.

    0  Views: 724 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Cats love to catch lizards, I grew up in Florida and the only way to get rid of them is to catch them or hire a kitty to catch them for you. Cats work cheap they only require room and board as well as some food and a little affection.

    The only other thing I know of that you can do is make sure to seal all of the places that they may get into your home. Make sure there are no small holes or splits in your screen, even then they still may get under your door. The good thing is that they are harmless, will eat bugs that get into your house for you. Good luck with the lizards.
    Actually, this is a matter of preference. What do you prefer to have in your house: lizards or rather spiders, mosquitos and other insects? I have two geckos (well, they are not mine, they just live with me), and I have never had any inconvenience with them.

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