6 Answers
To answer to question, I would call your attention to men in the 50's and 60's and even 70's that want to marry women that are between 20-30 years of age. Besides money, there isn't too much more older men can offer these young girls. Look for someone closer to your age....keep looking until you find one. I am sure there's someone out there for you.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
You will definitely find the one you're looking for. Make sure you're generous with your time, compliments, and affection for this lucky lady!
Awww come on Gypsy, quit playing with us and talk to us about what is important in life, will ya' please. Come on.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
As soon as you say how much money you make, every woman on this site will answer you!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Maybe you haven't found a sincere woman,there are a few of us left.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Well I guess I'm an odd ball, I left a man that has lots of money, I didn't at all like a millionaire that I dated ONCE and now I am dating a man who makes less than I do. Do I care? Not on your life! I have become very independent over the last eight years and am very proud of everything I have earned over these years.Speeking for myself, it's the man , not the money that I enjoy.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
There's no use livin' on bread and water for the rest of yer life. You can love someone with money...go and git some...
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

You know how you sound and look to me? Like a penniless beer drinker who is looking for a woman with low self esteem who doesn't mine living in a shack with nothing to her name, taking care of your lazy rear end so you can hang out with the boys and swill beer. Clean up your act and understand that women have self respect and will not live like bush hogs just because their man thinks money is not important. It is important. It takes money to live comfortably in this world. You do not need to be rich but a decent woman is going to want to at least live comfortably and not like she's living on a small monthly welfare check. I would expect that you as the man, and I'm sure a believer that the man is the head of the household, should be able to provide for the needs of the woman you bring into your life. If anyone is going to die lonely and alone it will be you unless you change your attitude about women. If all the women you meet are only looking for the big fat wallet, then you are looking in the wrong place. Lower your standards, you are looking at high maintenance women only and you can not afford them. You also do not decide what a women needs or doesn't need. Laying down the law about that will keep you alone. Get over yourself, you're not that good looking that you can get away with that kind of thinking. Looking like a worn out biker man who has spent too many good years partying will not attract the woman you think you need. You can only attract the desperate woman with that look and the chauvinistic attitude you have.