    what are some common side affects of artificial sweetners

    +3  Views: 1818 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: medical

    10 Answers

    stop using them as they contain aspartame which can cause cancer it has it in diet drinks you must looking at all things in supermarket the same thing with GM products affiod these like the pluage


    Apart from causing cancer, it can also cause a long list of health problems. Thank you for your advice, Mel.

    Yes Ben your right there I couldnt list them all as i would have been on that tread all day! love ya

    The taste...I surpass diet sodas and the like, I drink tea w/o sweetening it. I am diabetic and aspartame runs up my blood sugar even when it's just gum...

    On the news a couple weeks ago, it said something about some link found between artificial sweeteners and cancer. Don't know the specifics, but maybe you could google it! I don't use it, or like the taste of, it really kind of just slipped past me without paying much attention to details.
    The only side other side effect I've heard of is headaches. Also, if you have phenylketonuria (a hereditary metabolic disorder), don't use aspartame, because your body can't metabolize it.

    It makes you superficially affectionate?

    loss of weight. in use them all the time. i like sweet and low.
    they gave my wife M.S. like symtoms
    cellular damage, which is common from all genetically modified products.

    Use natural products, they have less side effects, cut back and use all in moderation like our grand parents did, they were fit, and smart about their diet.  Use sugar, butter, eggs, studies come in all the time and support these over the artificial replacements for most people, in moderation.

    If used excessively (or for very long periods of time), they can cause some hepatic (liver) and/or renal (kidney) damage. 

    The hepatic damage occurred to me not long after my diagnosis as a Type 2 diabetic.  The renal damage occurred to my then-girlfriend's daughter when she tried to diet off 190 pounds.

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